Ukrainian soldiers!

Ukrainian soldiers!
You have fought bravely and proudly. Russian victory is inevitable.
Lay down your arms. Save your mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers the grief.
Lay down your arms.

Attached: 1645895819748.jpg (960x1280, 193.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone that believes this war is real is fucking retarded

eat shit anti nationalist

>american flag

Fucking subhumans.
The white man never surrenders, never gives in to the fear of death.

Attached: 1642444970922.jpg (436x429, 69.69K)

Here's ten thousand rubles, shill. Spend them wisely.

>t. rus kukuruz götünde papiros

Attached: 7BA4459E-87F2-4D16-A040-CE44428551F1.png (1024x735, 1.05M)

It's over, Vlad. Ukraine is going to steamroll you back to Moscow.

Attached: ukraine.jpg (1178x1058, 152.29K)

It’s a few brit flags as well, like they can’t make it the least bit subtle

>Save your mothers, sisters, daughters, and lovers the grief.
Of being furiously, mercilessly rapes by Bolsheviks again like in the 40's?

lay down your arms.

Attached: 220224_russia_ukraine_invasion_lg.jpg (1280x850, 646.05K)

Attached: 1645865254285.png (640x411, 161.48K)

pyccкий дoлбaёб, иди нa хyй

Attached: Dead Russian tank 2.jpg (600x800, 69.53K)

>Russians will be earing eachorher soon.
>"Russia wins" as its peolje are cannibalizing themselves from te inside.

America doesn't need to use the military to rake up the kills. Russians have no idea the helk that Purin has doomed them to.

But congrats on having a million dumb fuck, ugly ass slave and islamisys to throw at a war he should lose.

the absolute state of the armed forces of the russian federation

Are these reservists???? Why are they so fucking old

>find a child's nationa lflag
>throws it to the ground
>quick snap, let's go Igor, before Azov returns

They don't need to eat each other. They are looting supermarkets to feed themselves.

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg (655x824, 75.77K)

>Trannys keep losing
>Vaxxoids keep losing
>Ukrops keep losing

Schizophrenic retard

Μολών λαβέ

Attached: 1637348310835.gif (176x164, 299.37K)

explain you're self

Ok George Soros.

>Be Putin
>Attack a literal Jew backed by globohomo world elite who own and operate nearly every military on the planet
>Hurrrrr why is dis war soooo difficult I should have won by nowww

Attached: PutinCat_.jpg (768x326, 59.87K)

I am guessing these are likely Donetsk/Luhansk militia, hence the random equipment and one even wearing a tanker helmet.

Attached: iq81esixniz111.jpg (640x587, 26.84K)