Death to Ukraine

Death to Ukraine

The country, not the people. Ukraine must disappear.

Attached: ukraine39.png (1040x709, 144.05K)

>Ukraine must disappear.

Vpn russian

>Ukraine must disappear.

>t. russian wumao

stop with warmonger idiot
stop war

Because Ukraine is an artificial country.

Define me what is an Ukrainian.

Old Kievan Rus and Cossacs

>he thinks countries are made of races or ethnic groups
it's like i'm really in the 1400s.
>stop with warmonger idiot
>stop war
you cannot stop me.

>country that gives up everytime, hates country that doesnt give up
checks out

Attached: french.jpg (1080x831, 55.06K)

You are asian you retard.

Attached: East-Asian-admixture.gif (800x545, 73.44K)

Romanians are Turks. They're naturally warmongers.

Attached: rasialpurity.jpg (997x700, 288.58K)

>noo races and nations dont exist
Why shouldn't Ukrainians stop fighting then?

Democrat bank accounts are located there, that’s all the country exists for.

France was Empire, it was a very great power with a very strong army, it was an humiliation for us. We had been very shit.

Ukrainians stand no chance. They are fighting to lose.

>races and nations dont exist
what an odd twist.
how leftist of you.
>that’s all the country exists for
people existing outside of russia is always a positive, user.

I'm arming myself against the french for now

hehe, /pol is pretty sane at certain hours, when americans are off shift.. working this sunday?

What is a "natural" country, opposed to an "artificial" one?
I'd say a country that defends it's borders with deadly force against invaders is more natural than a country welcoming invaders at the border.

>>he thinks countries are made of races or ethnic groups
>it's like i'm really in the 1400s.
You are an idiot. A complete fucking idiot. The idea that a large country should be made of one race or ethnic group did not exist before the late 1700s. In 1400s any sizable country had multiple ethnicities and languages who were only in the same country because they lived under the same ruler. And before language standardization, different regional dialects were often not mutually intelligible in large countries.

>The idea that a large country should be made of one race or ethnic group did not exist before the late 1700s
i see i'm talking to a fucking complete and utter fool.

A country with a history, a culture, a language etc, well a people.

Austria is not a real country too.

Sometimes people from creating countries become ultra nationalists like Ukrainians and Algerians.

ukrainians are earning their right to exist by fighting for their survival against foreign aggression. you would never even lift a finger to support your native algeria in case of need

created countries*

In 1400s, monarchs did not care about creating an ethnic homeland for their peasants, rather they wanted more land for a larger tax base. The only time that language really mattered to them was which language was spoken in their court. It was not until the Age of Revolution that nationalism became a driving force behind large countries. My point stands and you are an idiot.

Drop that french flag, you murdering russian scumbag!
Go advocate the murder of women and children somewhere else you fucking monster

>In 1400s, monarchs did not care about creating an ethnic homeland for their peasants
then they were smarter than stormfaggies.

>My point stands
it does not since you believe the lie that is academia, user.
you must wake up and realize the con.

Snarky! next time keep your hands off your keyboard when you have no idea what you’re talking about.