Was war always this cringe?

Was war always this cringe?

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Kike banking puppet

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Kike shill CIA puppet president

that's not my doing.
that's man's doing.
and yes, man was always that cringe.

from the comments of an Unz review article
>What kind of a fuckhole would tell citizens to face Russian weaponry with molotov cocktails and pass out weapons to untrained people?–why, our brave warrior Zelensky, who wants your dead civilian carcass on video for Western propaganda purposes. What a cowardly rat.

>face Russian weaponry with molotov cocktails
that's alike a 30:1 in favor of those against the russians.

it just wasn't bad enough so someone had to go and recaption in sloppily to be even more embarrassing. is this next level post-irony?

>is this next level post-irony
just faggotry.
remember that the world doesn't change, only the date.
this why conservatism always wins.

hey... worked for the finns

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Given the obvious shit propaganda out of this, come to think of it, I bet the Finnish sniper who killed 900 soviets or whatever was a lie as well.

you're catching on.
all of "history" is a lie.
humans have been around for over 500 million years.

>captain Europe
>a literal jew
lmao these people are so oblivious

>humans have been around for over 500 million years.
Tell me more.

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Truth and lies are told interchangeably by those in power to serve their needs. Overwhelming western propaganda this week, and I'm sure in WWII-era Finland as well, serves very clear and obvious needs for the respective regimes.

>humans have been around for over 500 million years.
As the truth or a lie, what need would this claim serve? Along with flat earth and other such things

Goddam the Jews won big time with this fucking propaganda huh

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>what need would this claim serve
you think like a leftist and therefore deserve nothing but death.
ah, user...

ice ages come and go.
glaciers grind "civilization" into dust.
it's just that simple.

I wonder how bad it has to get before people stop being faggots

The lack of critical thinking is self-evident. Retard.

well, i could tell you.
but it would be against my religion.

>lack of critical thinking
funny since you lack it.
critical thought would tell you that man doesn't need advertisement since the sun exists and always comes up.

>man doesn't need advertisement
What the fuck does that even mean nigger?

do u have to ask? every single war in history is rife with propaganda and lies. We STILL are feeling the propaganda of ww2 across the entire world

Ukraine is one kike CIA country, and with internet propaganda its extremely cringe

please stop the fighting, makes me sad frens ;_;

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George Soros really made this world fucking gay.

see how fucking stupid you are?

I´m afraid so

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>pic related
a fellow Mollychad. i see.