Redpill me

The anti-Russia propaganda is leaving me in such a state.
No one cares about facts and truth, no one gives a shit about integrity, no one even thinks about empathy...
Its just animals crying over the "thing" of the week that their fragile sensitivities dictates (not to be confused with real empathy), and parroting the infos alligning with their agendas.
And they can do whatever the fuck they want cause lying doesn't cost anything while debunking those lies needs ressources and lots of time and effort. And even if you manage to proof anything, your voice won't be louder than their's.
And even when by miracle you manage to get heard, they label you in one of their non sensical political boogeymen categories to discredit you.
And the braindead population will buy their interpretation of things, cause the only thing they learned in school is how to be subservient and regurgitate anything they tell you.

Btw these criticism are the same the left throws at the far right (as a way to justify their intellectual dishonnesty. We are the good guys, and the group against us (ie anyone who disagrees with them, moderate right and far right alike) are manipulative, so we have to be right!).
Just saying so that responding to this thread with "Tucker-sama please destroy by hole" won't be a satisfying answer. Post sources, studies, etc.

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Asking directly doesn't seem to work. I'll do my own reasearch. This board is a falseflagging shithole anyway, contempt as long as they can screech about jews and whatnot.

I think the genuine anons are less than 10% of posters. There's no way to know how many genuine anons are lurkers, but since most of the posts are trolling/propaganda/banter posts like yours are slid.
I did see a post earlier of an user who started a thread with the question of "where can I find the truth through all this propaganda on both sides" and half of the replies were condescension.

Trying to keep my post short to bump yours incase it gets slid.
Our arguments have been discredited since the beginning of the disclosure. We lose the information war because we are not trying. All the tools are here for us - social media, word of mouth, fraternity, etc.
Putting effort into spreading info and strengthening ties is not being glowie, its reclaiming a sense of high trust society.

You forget that they have bots that auto ban certain talking points. They also have jannies, who do it for free. The few places who have true free speech don't have enough traffic to get messages to the masses. Places that do have true free speech and that start to gain traffic get honeypotted or turned into cess pools like Any Forums.

truth wins in the long run, Russia will be vindicated like Iraq and Afghanistan were.

Thats a really stupid point. How would you know that truth always comes victor when you didn't witness history so you don't know if whats consider truth know was a fabrication?

Wrong medium, OP, this is not a blog, you will slide fast. By the way the root of evil is nationalism from both sides, it’s just disgusting the way Eastern Europeans are using that réthoric and already now they are violent to you if you dare contradict. We, France, and our revolution, is the root of all this


Also, always do the opposite of what jews tell you

intellectuals came around to the idea that Iraq was unjustly treated, the same will happen to Russia.

unless ofc Russia gets carped bombed and completely replaced by a west friendly country

truth wins in the long run conflicts with the other common but appropriate phrase, history is written by the victors. i wish it were that black and white

We could also discuss the role of Jews and their sick familism , both internationally as well as domestic

>No one cares about facts and truth, no one gives a shit about integrity
the fact is that Putin is the king of globohomo and the truth is that he is the real 'greatest ally'

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user ma be real with you that's the truth with everything. Everyone ignore truth and facts because it's easier to live in a comfy bubble than to experience anything outside of this. No one is immune to this and you're retarded if you think you are. It's just human nature

What more further is that we are told not to stand up for each other because this 'is what glow niggers do!'
We need to start ignoring this nonsense name calling and just stick to getting down to the root of the issue.
I seriously doubt that you would not stand up for a family member even if they were in the wrong. We need to help our brothers out in ways big and small. Even the long dead Italian, Jewish, and Cuban US mafias operate more deliberately than us in terms of support. We should take a page from their play book so to speak.
We do what we always do and we get around the filters. And when there is enough of us (there is always a great circle of us and it's growing every day) spamming in one place, the message is heard and it will be recieved.
>The few places who have true free speech don't have enough traffic to get messages to the masses. Places that do have true free speech and that start to gain traffic get honeypotted or turned into cess pools like Any Forums.
This is true for places like infinity chan / kun and all I have to say is: intentionally don't post there. It's potentially bad for you privacy wise and it challenges no one else.
A message has much more power when it is broadcast on NPR (or whatever equivalent) than when it is broadcast over a tiny frequency on HAM.

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So dont support Ukraine got it

Now that the war seems less serious, people are gaining some bravado back, the first day they seemed beyond weak and pathetic. They need this fake news of victory or they just die

If not nationalism and pride of one's own country, what makes a strong nation?
No nation isn't an answer cause globalism would mean no consotant ressources for your country.

I feel you brother. It’s definitely a black pill. I’m trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and it’s seemingly impossible to cut through all the propaganda. Meanwhile, people who know less than me are all professing the same sentiments as if Putin is some super villain with no intentions other than to do evil.

I have to agree with OP. I've never sen such idiocy in my entire life. Everyone's an expert on Ukraine all of the sudden. Jesus Christ!

The worst is all the BS prop that's going on. It's so fucking dumb it hurts my brain! Some Russian saboteur (supposedly) was in a god damn firefight with Ukrainian forces who shot his buddy. So he jumps into a Ukrainian truck that's hauling a rocker launcher or some shit, e speeds outta there while getting shot at, turns a corner and slides onto some ice right into some idiot who decided to take a joy ride into a goddamn firefight and can't figure out why he got hit by a "tank". The fucking News shows the last part of the clip and only says of it that a Russian tank ran over a civilian car as if he did it on purpose. It's so god damn dumb it's hard to believe. Hey why not do 30 seconds worth of googling before you run a fucking story? Oh yeah, if you did that you might get your facts straight.

What's even worse is that if you pint this out the fucking brilliant minds of the world automatically think you're "siding" with Putin. No dumbfucks, I just want actual fucking facts. "Whut? What are you talking about?" God damn people are so fucking dumb it's hard to fucking believe.

The Ukrainian support is just globalism and USNATO imperialism masquerading as nationalism

I have a library room in my house. I’ve read over 1,000 non-fiction books on history, psychology, philosophy, genetics, religion, current affairs and past “current affairs” going back over 100 years. With all of this information it seems impossible at times to pull back the curtain and show people what is really going on. It is like the small drip drip drip of water that erodes stone, that is most of the time the best you can do. You need patience and charisma because if you push too hard too fast they will shut you out. It’s similar to interrogation techniques - you never ask a yes/no question, because it allows the person to say “no” which psychologically is them digging their heals in.

Best advice I have is to focus your energy only a small number of people, be prepared to give them hard to deny facts, because you’re up against the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever created, and one of it’s most devious is to cause people to want to be led by it, they have been taught to fear going against it.

It’s no easy path. But I feel for you, this massive support for Ukraine is maddening to be around, and it has nothing to do with being for or against either side. The scale and effectiveness of the manipulation is what worries me.

The term has changed. Read Julien Benda, he may come off dumb at first but consider his points from when he lived and things start to make sense.

>The anti-Russia propaganda is leaving me in such a state.
Jews are liars and journalists have no idea about what's actually happening. Pro-Ukraine propaganda helps push globohomo ideology. Why does this surprise you that much?