Here is your ghost of kiev

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not my heckin ghostorino of kieveriono!


i saw the broken corpse of a fighter pilot in my dreams
followed by a bright flash over many cities

Those are Russian saboteurs.

Now the literal ghost of kiev

Nerve gas?

Well, NOW he's a ghost.

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yes, how could you tell?

What a waste of war, brother nations killing each other

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he spilled his spaghetti and went into family guy pose

it...its you! The hero of kvatch!!!

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he didn't fly so good

roast of kiev

>One plane.
>One body.

Don't forget to remind all the bydlo who believed in a DCR video how much of a bydlo they are.

Blame Zelenskyy for not surrendering himself and going on trial for his crimes.


what kind of retard would think that hohols have it good? Only Bydlo.


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