Circle the Wagons Project

Welcome to the Circle the Wagons Project Frens!
Where we combined Any Forums/diy//out//an/ & Any Forums into one thread
that is on topic & relates to our current political & cultural reality

by working toward the goal of forming wholesome communities irl
living off the land & with nature, made up of based & repilled pollacks
against globohomo, degeneracy & demographic decline

With a focus on saving the doomers, freeing the wage slaves
and saying FUCK OFF to the rent seekers

"Together we are stronger" is the motto we believe
By bringing like minded people together we can change
our lives; for ourselves, each other and our people
and from that change; we can change our political and cultural reality.

By homeschooling our children as a community we can teach them the truth
instead of the lies and indoctrination taught in public schools

By helping each other build our own homes, inexpensively using our own labor
and alternative methods like sandbags and rammed earth
we can avoid massive loans from the banks and their usury and debt slavery

By living on our own land we can spend more time among nature
and eat healthier by growing our own food and improve our quality of life
and also live in a safe environment for our families and avoid the riots and dangers of city life

These and so many more alternatives to the globohomo agenda are available for us
when we choose to live together as we used to, as a tribe.

So come on in and join our project and help to manifest this into reality.
There is a better way to live but it is up to us to live it
and in doing so we gain more power while globohomo loses it's power over us.

*Cat & Kitties edition*

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Other urls found in this thread:

Farmerbro's imput from the homesteading 101 days

If you don't have cats in your barns, you're not going to make it. Mice will ravage your feed.
Buying by the bushel is stupidly cheap, while buying at the farm store is 5-10x the cost.
Don't let rats destroy your stockpile.

you could also get a Rat Terrier, dog.

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Come home, White man.

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333 rats destroyed ratting with terriers


Top 10 best mouse traps / Simple mouse traps with plastic pipes / The mice cannot get out

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doing cross promotion now

Be warned, fellows, we have two shills that appear in every thread and there is a glownigger that reached out to me and was toyed with until they promised to "kill as many feds as needed". We don't need that here. We repudiate that type of bullshit. This isn't about hostility and going to war, this is about living in a comfy White community and minding our own business. If you want to talk about taking down the system or murdering people, this isn't the thread for you.

Similarly, if you see random leafniggers or others posting outright hostile and insane comments claiming impossible shit or claiming that nobody knows what they're talking about, those are your shills. Don't reply to them. They get paid based upon engagement, so every (You) puts money in their pockets. Just ignore them.

Story time:

I once had a feral cat that came to my back deck looking like it was starving to death. I started putting out a little food, and over time it decided that my deck was its home. Before long, it started looking like it was swollen, and I realized it was pregnant.

Mind you, this cat was maybe 4 months old when it stopped by, and maybe 6 months by this point. But hell, it'd sun on my deck all day every day and got to the point where if I opened the door it'd come inside to nose around. It was clearly a cat someone adopted as a kitten, then dumped in the country for whatever reason.

When it was near term, I brought it inside and kept it in a bathroom until it gave birth to six kittens, clearly from five different fathers. The dirty whore. Once they were old enough, I adopted them out and let her back outside.

Cue the insanity. This lovey little girl started clinging to the screens over the windows yowling day and night. I'd wake up each day to find massive piles of dead rats, mice, and squirrels on my porches. One day I walked out the front door to find her sitting there holding down a live rabbit for me. Apparently, she thought her babies were inside and wanted to feed them. Over the course of the following month she killed hundreds of animals and brought them to me, before I finally took her to the nearest animal shelter because she was wrecking my house trying to get in. Apparently she was adopted out and is doing wonderful with her new owners, but every now and then I wonder if someday I'll find her clinging to my screen door again with those crazy eyes, hanging over yet another pile of murdered critters.

One of those rats was over a foot long. I mean ... Jesus fuck.

Wholesome communities

and don't feed the trolls
who's only purpose is to demoralize and slide the thread

keep it comfy and enjoy your time here, be supportive, /CTW/ is a whitepilled project

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what a badass
thats crazy

Bump for interest

if you have time can you help me cross promote
some war threads maybe, not much else out there

remind them that when SHTF they will have wished they were prepaired and should start considering circling the wagons NOW
and get in these threads with us

14 words and all

otherwise this thread is going to die

same? thanks for bump but wanna help post a couple cross promotions and link this thread in other threads? also have a Duck

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Cats are insanely effective. Like raccoons, weasels, or foxes, they kill for the sheer pleasure of it. This is why they are so effective in farm buildings: they're often bored, so whenever they see movement it's murder time.

The key to keeping a viable barn cat is to keep it just sociable that it won't freak out at your presence and allows minimal handling, but not to tame it enough that it loses its vigilance. Never let them inside a home except for medical treatment or delivering a litter. You want them to be as wild as possible, because that makes them more competent murder machines.

It's hilarious watching barn cats in the field murdering the shit out of voles. Little bastards stick their heads up out of the ground and next thing you know that tabby is flinging it around like it's playing catch with itself for the sheer sport of it. Fuck voles. The downside is that they tend to murder the birds on your land as well. I would love to have a local flock of magpies because they're fucking badass, but the kitties would annihilate them. Seeing a cat take a flying leap and knock a crow from the air to tear apart is a sight to behold.

I like reading your posts, they are always entertaining and informative

and sorry if I was too insensitive before
again, it's all about the 14 words

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Sure. Aside from the type of project I'm proposing, let me discuss homesteading fails.

The most common problems that I see are people that either try to do too many new things at once, or people that try to enact more shit than they can afford all at once. The former is simple to understand: they don't know what they don't know, and have no conception of the labor requirements, and rapidly get in over their heads. The latter is similarly simple: they start too many capital projects, and don't have the resources to complete them all simultaneously, so rather than moving the bar forward step by step, they fuck themselves by working them all simultaneously and complete none of them.

Don't be these people. I'm working with a prepper homesteader that has been working his land for almost 30 years, and has nothing to show for it other than 6 acres of scraggly alfalfa, a giant pit he wants to be a reservoir, and fields of sagebrush and rock piles he hopes to run cattle on. Every year it's "I'll have this working this year", and despite MILLIONS in investment, he's no closer than he was 20 years ago. Stupid is as stupid does. Getting that land workable isn't going to be hard, his problem was that he was stubborn and thought he could just throw money at issues and they'd magically be solved, which is what he's been doing for decades with nothing to show for it.

The key to any ranching operation is having the humility to recognize that if something isn't working out, perhaps you should reach out to someone with a bit more logistical experience than yourself. If you don't, you're not going to have a good time.

Godspeed to all anons doing this.
I won't be able to join as I am a latino mutt. Maybe I will make a community for biracial and latino people who share similar ideals.

Honestly man, it’s a losing battle trying to have a productive thread gain traction rn. There’s a ton of inorganic shit going on on the board, I haven’t seen it this bad ever before. Every top level thread is the same Ukraine bullshit with very little actual substance and a lot of low effort spamming.

I appreciate you guys trying to improve the quality of the board.

Whatever your race is, you can strive to live well and to uplift your own kind. Don’t be down on yourself huebro.

but maybe that is a reason FOR people to come visit us
it is one of the only threads about a different subject

and they can lurk those threads while they have this one up and pop back and for and offer bumps as they go

but yeah, it is a lot more difficult atm to keep threads alive and the shilling and lefty raid bullshit is rabid

all people can chose to live this way instead of paying the rent slavers

good luck. thanks for the bump

More fun info:

Everyone thinking of homesteading on any major scale thinks about owning a horse. Particularly women.

Fuck horses.

I mean, they're useful and all, but bear in mind that each horse that you keep stabled will require no less than an hour a day in labor between feeding, mucking their stall and run, and grooming. They're also assholes, ponies especially so (so tell your daughter to fuck off and find a different interest lest she have her head kicked in when it is feeling ornery). If you keep them on the pastures with enclosures for weather, it's easier to manage. There is another added benefit beyond just pressuring your herds to different pastures, however.

Horse shit is easily collected from fields. There are cheap tractor attachments that can scoop up horse shit for easy transport to your compost heaps, and this gives you free fertilizer for your hay production. It's not like cow shit that will stick to the ground, it picks right up.

So if you're thinking "stabled horse", you're going to have a bad time. If you have them out on their own 10 acres to graze and toss them hay and grain occasionally, it's not nearly as bad, though they tend to be more squirrelly kept like that.

Nothing is better than a horse to manage herds of cattle. Beware the labor costs if running solo.

This is extremely viable in Brazil, as you have cheap land, free construction materials, and cheap labor abounding.

The problem you face is soil management, as most of your soil is garbage. It would take serious calculated rehabilitation to make it productive, but lots of people down there have achieved just that. I'd recommend networking with successful ranchers and then diving in balls deep. Best of luck to you, I've always enjoyed your posts.

cross promoting like a motherfucker over here, thanks for keeping thread bumped

not getting much (you)s but I am keeping at it

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What have you done to promote? I built a website single handidly and although it's not perfect it's an outlet and a place for people to go. I can link anything you want on it and give you traction, let me know what you have.

stop pretending germanics were ever white.
they come from a bitch.