A soldier of Ukraine who can sneak up on Russian soldiers like a shadow and set them ablaze!
It's been reported that he's already set 12 Russians on fire

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Can't tell if this a joke or our people are this retarded

It's real
He waits for Russians to fall asleep before playing his deadly game

This doesn't even looks like out buildings, we have old rusty paint everywhere

looney tunes

was this guy already dead or was he dreaming and just didn't notice?

I don't think they have niggers in ukraine

black on black violence has to be america

So this is burningman...

He is a white Slavic man
As a child he was badly burned, turning his skin coal black
It was this that gave him an obsession with flame

You are not even sure if op is not fucking around? It’s just a nigger doing nigger things to whities in muttland somewhere.

Bruh imagine having a dream so good you don't wake up. Feels comfy man.

>I don't think they have niggers in ukraine
They're are, apparently, and nogs on Twitter are chimping out (to the surprise of no one) over the fact that black Ukrainians are apparently being stuck in the country and can't escape or some shit.

It's both.

What's with niggers and burning? They seem to be obsessed with this shit.

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How is it going there?

we wuz ukrane an sheeit

What a fucking piece of garbage makes me so sad if I was there I would have kicked his ass FUCK

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Losing, kharkiv being attacked nonstop since yesterday. Hopefully i'll become russian instead of corpse

At least put some effort into it.

>they doubt The Inferno
Russian shills get OUT of Ukraine.

>What's with niggers and burning? They seem to be obsessed with this shit.
I imagine the White Man was obsessed with fire when he invented it 100 thousand years ago. They are just enjoying their new toy that's all.

Lets make a joke out of the murder of a white man by a nigger

this board is fucking ruined by little kids

Give em a break, they only just discovered fire.

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Probably on heroin or something
if you get too fucked up nothing will wake you