Reminder there are no "World Wars", just one multi-century Zio-Banker War

Reminder there are no "World Wars", just one multi-century Zio-Banker War.

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there are central bank in russia and it literally controlled by jews


Yes but you don’t understand it’s the shlomosteins not the rothschilds
But desu russia is getting away from the kiked USD

stop being on the losing side and join the zionists.


What's the South American country?

peak burger post

There are Jews and there's THE Jews. False equivocation is Bolshevik kike sophistry tactics.

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I agree #notalljews

The man with the highest IQ has a take on the JQ phrased better than I could ever do justice.

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Yes, but the issue is that these two levels of Judaism cannot be pried apart. So yes all jews. They’re all cooperators, except some are worse than others. Any dissenter is only someone who no longer identifies and cooperated with other Jews. So, all jews.

That's what Hitler concluded. Ultimately ball is in their court, people are waking up quickly and the Shoah card is running out of credit.

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Based. Arab?

China has one?

Even Hitler had mischlings in his midst but they were also people who completely disconnected from their jewish identity and were absolutely loyal to their German part. I agree with Chris, but I’m simply not so optimistic and as someone with intimate knowledge of low level Jews not so forgiving. I managed to understand so they can as well. If they didn’t it’s their responsibility. If Jews ever want to reform they will have to attack the very base of their contemporary identity and I just don’t see it happening on a mass scale. Only externally, which will indeed be traumatic.

Langen is very based on the JQ


>It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right.

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When did the Ruskies throw out their kike central bank?
Surely one was established first thing after the "peoples" revolution right?

jews were very willing to help the commies get set up, they've been sending expertise since the 30s

they have a central bank in Antarctica?

not all jews are (((jews)))
but all (((jews))) are jews

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>Third world shitholes.

Yea, youre really selling the whole "Let's get off the banks" thing very well.

not a country

Basically same time Biden was inaugurated, people have speculated the coup of Trump made him realize he's on his own as far as world leaders go. He also officially broke from the WEF, something shills try to sweep under the rug using that "penetrated" video.

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China doesn't have a fucking "Rothschild central bank" moron.

>implying he's not just as kiked

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