How long will Kyiv survive?


Attached: nightsurvivedkyiv.png (541x348, 307.49K)

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2 weeks

the Russians are taking it slow as to not completely destroy the country, but its as good as theirs now.

Forever. The Russian military is running out of supplies and Ukraine is getting tons of free weapons given to them by the west. Russian will bomb the shit out of Kyiv but they'll never capture it.


This, every second they don't win the west is piling in top of the line infantry weapons. Not to mention the morale difference is growing the longer this goes on.

until zelenskyy surrenders. russia's not going to get into a shootout with civilians, they are just going to wait it out. eventually the people will get tired of this and public opinion will shift.

You do realize all you need is 20 good Russian men to take kiev right?

it's the glowie dog whistle. encourage it, they're identifying themselves.

2 weeks

2 MORE weeks

2 more days (before germany's weapons arrive)

just like how they say sevastopol wrong. strange disinformation tactic

It's a 30 minute drive to get supplies hohol


people are just going to start using it to fuck with you, you dim newfag


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Why havent they then, leaf?

does it even matter? Russia can't play attrition war when even civilians are attacking them. The soldiers remember Chechen, and unless Putin can somehow go full Hitler and convince the soldiers to shoot the civilians and die for him it's unlikely this war is going anywhere. Next week is when it is ended. Putin runs with his tail behind his back and spews some bullshit like the special operation achieve its political purpose. Ukraine becomes even more Westernized.

He's waiting for the massive counter attack from the big strong Russian. Their plan was to send and sacrifice all their weak troops so they spent all their ammo, and now the real attack begins with T14, T90s and all the newest Russian toys that the Russians have kept from the west

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because finding 20 good russian guys is really, really hard. i mean fucks sake just look at them

It's pronounced kIefy'E I+e=eev

I wonder how Ukrainian morale is knowing they've been surrounded and have already lost 25% of their territory and their entire air force?

I mean, the russians surely know this and part of their strategy, which is basic af of course, is to surround Kiev and prevent this from happening. So I assume the russian army is also trying to control the ukrainian territory that shares borders with NATO countries and to totally block their supply lines. Good for them that Kiev and most of the other ukraininan important cities are much much closer to Russia and Belarus than to Poland or Romania.

I am confused about the whole thing. There is so much disinformation, fake news even on TV, propaganda plus the normal pol autism. Wtf is happening? Who the fuck is Kief?

russia is loosing HARD

fuck hitler