Remember, when they make a video game about this don't cry like a bitch when there are women in it

Remember, when they make a video game about this don't cry like a bitch when there are women in it

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why the fuck should women be in it, they weren't the ones who got drafted.

>barefoot warefare

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Are the left going to be pro-gun rights now? Or will this just be hypocrisy #5836 for them?

women between the ages of 18 - 60 aren't allowed to leave ukraine?

When they make the game about how the Ukraine humiliated and kicked Russia’s ass, I can’t wait to play as a woman.

Lol no

this unnecessarily self-important lady looks like she barely clears 4 feet. please send her to the frontlines and be rid of her dysgenic traits

>men had to be forced to defend their country
>women did it voluntarily
Lol so much for 'muh stronker sex'

I'll play if all women solders are barefoot

where are the women demanding they too be drafted? oh wait, they don't exist because women don't want to be "equal".

Imagine seeing this bitch in your scope and watching her die after you put a bullet hole. Then you go on about your daily life as a Russian soldier and then citizen, always calmly recollecting the time you murdered her, legally, and never suffered any consequences for it.

what the fuck is she doing other than standing in her living room with a weapon she bought from locally?

women only want to be equal when it's convenient for them

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Yea very edgy bro, go back to passing your pants over maybe getting drafted


Men were the ones getting drafted you stupid bitch

They're reporting about a Ukrainian woman who has fucked 100 Russian Spetsnaz and sucked dry 48 Russian paratroopers already.
The locals are dubbing her the Whore of Ukraine.

Suck them toes

The jewish ukrainian government sex trafficks ukrainian women and they have been railroaded out of the country.
This is propaganda and you should be gassed.

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if this is going to be a multiplayer game they should turn on friendly fire

Imagine, if you will, the smell

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