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Nonsense the ghost of Kyiv is pwning Russian n00bs

I thought Ukraine was winning?

They are real desperate. It is sad to see them in such a state. 110% not genocide though and stripping Russia from the security council collapses the UN

fucking rich.

heh, strip its right to vote in the security council?
This little nigger is responsible for thousands of poor Ukranians dying. Putin should just nuke kiev and finish it once and for all.

everything is genocide so long as its the [STATE DESIGNATED BAD MAN] doing it

Again Zelensky and Putin are fucking retards.

Not the words of someone who feels in charge, who feels they are winning.

Its a self genocide, Putin is culling the military that would be against him in a coup, while keeping those loyal to him back

How many dead Ukrainians are we talking about?

is that even a thing?

>jew screeching about genocide
Imagine everyone's shock

completely unnecessary. Ukraine is winning

Zelensky is Jewish and they have a really wide spanning definition of genocide. Just wait for the Ukrainian skin lamp shades claim.

meanwhile this genocidal heeb walks around freely.

Attached: 811F14E9-BF69-48DE-AA5D-99A0543F0945.jpg (1574x865, 191.39K)

Maybe this was the entire plan, either Putin or Xi disbands the UN

>jew makes false genocide claim
The only surprise here is that it took this long.

Fair play since Putin started the genocide claims first

Real schitzo posting hours

Genocide? what genocide? according to the Ukrainians they have have almost no military casualties and they killed 3500 Russians in 2 days. They are the ones who should be tried for genocide.

He is commiting genocide on his own people by running them into the meatgrinder that is the MCU Ukrainian forces.