American professor explaining why the war in russia is the fault of the west

American professor explaining why the war in russia is the fault of the west

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-02-27 00-20-04.png (1309x847, 256.86K)

I am aware the TikTok generation here doesn't have enough attention span for anything other than memes for 20second clips, but you should watch this regardless if:
1) You're not a shill
2) You don't understand what the hell is going on there

Gonna watch, thanks gypsy bro. Judging by what you’ve said it’ll just be confirmation bias, but I’m interested to learn more

Sorry Culombian, I'm a Zoomer™, I only watch Liminal Spaces® and I shit my pants every night because of it

I have to clarify that I am actually an Estonian who's slamming latina cheeks and enjoying the weather and cheap life here.

This really is a good and objective analysis, I strongly recommend to watch it.

Yeah I just saw it, i already felt very similar to him. This war is just the west overplaying its hand, to the west ukraine is just some country but without a neutral ukraine russia stops being a "great power".

Glowniggers instigated this shit without being fully commited to it. When I saw no one comiting troops to ukraine I knew it would be over. It is very natural for us latrinos to know that there is a big boss you have to respect. Here we had a leftshit candidate and everyone was saying that USA niggers would not aporve of her that it would cause conflict with them. But when some diplomant was named for honduras we all tought ohh the usa aproves its ok to vote for this bitch.

Have you watched past the 23:00 minute?

He got it so wrong that it's hilarious

how so?

I watched this two weeks ago. Was very informative as I agree with his assessment. USA kevtching when missle are near border and make Monroe Doctrine. Then USA does the same thing to Russia. Fuck the globohomo

Got it wrong, but the video is 7 years old. Lot has changed apparently and the west has forced Putin into a corner so this war is really a desperate measure.

Thanks for the video, fren

>"if you really want to wreck Russia what you should do is encourage it to try and conquer Ukraine"
>"Putin again is too smart to do that"


Dumb video

>John mearsheimer
Lol nice try tiny hats

>USA kevtching when missle are near border and make Monroe Doctrine.
No, the Monroe doctrine is much older than the Cold War
Do you ever get sick of not knowing your own countries history?

He wont conquer Ukraine, he is trying to do what he has always tried to do, keep ukraine neutral. Its like he said the USA being the uncontested world hegemon started believing that everything they do is rightous and started acting in a 21th world manner. Democracy, gay right etc etc. They simply did not count that russia would really act on it. But Russia cares far more about ukraine than what the west does.

I actually thought he was insane for acting on it but at the end of the day he is right Ukraine matters for russia far more than what it does for the USA or europe.

How so?

Do a quick google on him and you'll see he has been accused of being an antisemite since he wrote about Israeli lobby.
But I guess asking a poltard to do a quick google search is asking too much.

he actually has a book on the Israeli lobby which a lot of people deny exists.

What he means is that the monroe doctrine proclaims that the western hemisphere is the USAs area core area of influence. He is right on that its uncontested. Once china becomes more powerful will see shit staring on that.

>But I guess asking a poltard to do a quick google search is asking too much.
Yes, because only retards use jewgle search

Pseudo intellectual nonsense. You can’t blame the west for the actions of the east. This board should understand this. How about systemic racism. It’s Whites fault that blacks steal. Is it? Do they have no choice? Same as Russia. Tell this professor the jews brought the holocaust on themselves. Watch what happens. It’s nonsense.

>do a jewgle search
you have to go back
most of what the man says in the video is correct
you still have to go back

>It’s Whites fault that blacks steal
DIfferent thing. If blacks would be starving i'd say yes, but they aren't.
Russia's hand on the other hand has been forced.
US would react similarly to a similar situation.
You can't put a knife to someones throat and then blame them for shooting you because "I only held it there for no reason and I made no plans to cut your throat".

> jews brought the holocaust on themselves
They literally did, but we all know we can't say that out loud. Neither can he.

I only really came back for the war, I'm out of the door once the interesting part is over.

I call you a racist, everything you do I call racist. Eventually you wont care about being called a racist. The USA acted without regarding russias objections thinking that they would either accept their doings or submit. There was the option of resisting and that is just what they are doing.

All they needed to do for peace was accept the neutrality of ukraine, they could have gotten a splendid deal out of that. A middleman between russia and europe. But that wasnt good enough for the state department. They have to fight EVIL MEN to prove how RIGHTOUS the USA is.

In the end what it boils down to is that for Russia Ukraine is essential for the USA is just another country they can add to their domain.