Why are America's politicians such cowards compared to ukraine's?

Why are America's politicians such cowards compared to ukraine's?

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because they only care about money and pleasing their money providers.

Why no one has punched Ted Cruz in his smug face? Mexicans in Cancun, why are you afraid of punching Ted Cruz?

Another stupid post. Cruz is a senator, not a president and USA is not attacked on its own soil by another country with fighting around. Grow some brains and quit posting shit.

Carlin did a good skit on this (even though he was a leftist faggot). America is full of dishonest pussies, and the politicians simply reflect the population they come from.

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no one know who that spic is he just blends in.

Never been to that shithole and I doubt his bodyguards would allow it

>politicians simply reflect the population they come from
Kek no. You are retarded.

yeah im sure a jewish comedian is really makin a difference

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Probably for the same reason he's wearing a mask for no reason

He's a fake?

Why are American politicians so fat?

too much good life in america

That ukraine president. Hes a brave man with big balls large gigantic purple veiny balls . I like balls

America is technically a safe society. Sure, niggers are ruining our cities but elsewhere it is pretty good. People become fat in good times when they're too lazy to train for war.

Tons of good food and tons of trash food here.

> politicians simply reflect the population they come from.
This is why all Americans are rich Jews or Zionist shabbos goys

>posting fake images from 2021
sage in all fields

It's all fake and gay

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Cruz only wears the mask so he can catch dropping bugers and funnel them to his mouth.

>the mask helps prevent your burgers from falling to the ground
Maybe these maskfags have something going on...

There is propaganda from all sides.

Yeah he ran away because... he lost electricity? Pussy would never stick around for war

You guys don't get it. When americans weren't such faggots, they didn't allow themselves to be ruled by faggots and Jews.

As Americans have become greedy, lying, lazy, faggots they've allowed themselves to be ruled by worthless politicians. These types of people always existed, but it wasn't until Americans became susceptible to their shit did they become ruled by their vices.

Because you're a dumb mother fucker falling for bait that clogs up you dumb fuck brain with stupid shit like this so you don't ask any real questions. It's Ukrainian propaganda dickhead. Just like a few years back, those pics from years back are even being reused and dumb mother fuckers are too stupid to relaize.

You think Cancun is a shithole? Where are you from? Michoacan? Oaxaca? You sound like a coping indio.

Also, most Americans are Zionist shabbos goys who fully support Israel, either due to propaganda, their heretical churches, or simply because they're retards.

>When americans weren't such faggots, they didn't allow themselves to be ruled by faggots and Jews.
Well, that's true.
>Americans have become greedy, lying, lazy, faggots
Kek no. Where do you live in? I am not surprised if you are living in one of the major cities. Why are you acting as if 330 million Americans are the same person?

you can't fight a cold front.

Fuck off shill. Ted Cruz is based and redpilled

I don't live in a city. I've just had to watch Americans allow the patriot act, shrug off the Snowden leaks, do nothing about election fraud, etc. etc. and I realized they deserve all the tyranny and bullshit that's coming.

Just watching the slow decline of white Americans into degeneracy (not to mention the hordes of brown skins shitting everything up) jades you a bit.

Some other shit, more recent:
>Can you believe they're forcing people to vaccinate or go to jail in Austria, etc.?
>"Well user, Suzy at work keeps taking sick days for COVID and she's one of those antivaxxers and I think she's abusing the rules, so we should pass a law here too forcing people to take the vaccine."
(Actual conversation with a "conservative" relative)