She's right you know

She's right you know

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She gets raped last.

>incels with victim complex and list of grievances
Shut up faggot you will never be a hero for some slutyy roastie

But we already know this.


That proves the point even more so than if it was a real she.

psychological abuse lmao, imagine getting deranged from reading twitter

All of these things are painstakingly obvious to someone about room temperature 110 IQ but alas here we are.

Only war were fighting is a civil war.

You can put that on GOD

The British dna man has won every war from americas to nazi Germany
They fight to the very last man even when destroyed in early american settler history, they still won

10 years ago I was about to join the military and be shipped overseas to kill and/die
Today you couldnt draft me to fight in an invasion, why would I fight for a country that openly hates me?


Modern war has little to do with bravery, courage, and purpose. It's about engineering, information and material chains, and strategy.

Realistically the only fighting I could see myself doing “ for Canada “ would be involved directly with my family fleeing the country alongside me.
Imagine thinking I would fight to defend Canada or Canadians, nah, ima be in the mass of Rajesh’s fleeing at first sign of trouble. Not my problem, not my people, not my country, my citizenship is just a piece of paper.

yes. Psychological abuse

Based Thot I'd give her my special seed ;)

cope harder internet addict

Putin is reversing feminism, holy based. Invade poland next and maybe trannys go away too.

Whites wont be involved in war anymore. You'll have shitskins involved. That's what's going to happen. Roman empire end times

This. I wouldn’t lift a finger for this place. Literally could not care less if Russia or China took over. If anything it’d be a positive at least culturally and not having a government and culture that hates me for the color of my skin

they don't want to. laughing at people who say dumb stuff like you did is the point of these posts

What did you do instead?

I don't know who she is but she needs babies, protection and endless loyalty.


Attached: Handsome Gentleseal.png (886x885, 1.51M)

there won't be any big war for us to ''defend'' themselves, only wars on poor countries where the sick Americans go to rape and kill

marriage material

BASED. That's how I feel.

I would give her some heirloom organic seeds too.

>woman makes twatter post pandering to you
>z0mg based so true!111
You all simp for even the slightest bit of validation.

Attached: women are great value.jpg (640x376, 75.19K)

memeflag faggot, this behavior must be encouraged. course, you're posting in bad faith and are probably in israel. I hope you die an agonizing death.

The globohomo puppet government in afghanistan was overwhelmingly superior in engineering, information and material chains. All the taliban had was bravery, courage and purpose.

Attached: Afghan shitposters.jpg (1280x853, 166.12K)

I'm not desperate for female attention, but she (or he) does bring up a very valid point and anyone willing to die for america should think about it

Based thot
>Shut up faggot you will never be a hero for some slutyy roastie
Peeminist seething

She's right we wont fight for them
for them.

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Who's the girl?

Chinese Propaganda

>memeflag faggot
After all this time, you newfags still don't know how easy it is to change your flag with a VPN. I took my flag off, am i on a VPN?
Flags were a mistake, all it does is let brainlets derail threads with flagposting.
Kinda miss my rebel alliance flag though.
>this behavior must be encouraged.
Changing womens minds is pointless, only men matter. Women will align with the men that win, not the one being based on twatter and 4chins.
It's not a point that haven't been brought up by men a 1000 times already, and posted here non-stop since ukraine 2: tank boogaloo.
She is pandering, and you fell for it. Women have no place in politics.

Not him but I went to school

>this behavior must be encouraged
Why should simping be encouraged?
>All the taliban had was bravery, courage and purpose.
The globohomo Afghan army had no reason to fight after Americans left.

a whore desperate for male attention so says things to make their feelies feel good (:

It's refreshing, modern psychological torture using the internet, with contribution from the CIA, Hollywood, porn companies, advertisements, government, other large monopoly companies is going to have an effect on your brain whether you realize it or not. Men are being vilified by Big Brother just for being sane, and when pointed out, Big Brother usually responds with "But you also made memes making fun of literal self-mutilating trannies" and leaves it at that. This is all coming to a head

Real men don't let words influence their emotions. End of discussion. Real men don't stand idly by for 15 years and get abused. Thus, it's safe to say that real white men are even more rare than we expect.

If you lived here in the ZOG JooSA, you’d know she is right to be concerned.

It hasn’t been fun…but it soon might be fun.

The Nervousness of the Joo and all that…the bill is coming due, motherfuckers, and there’s interest to be paid.

>woman who you would think to be naturally against how you see the world sees it exactly the same way you do
If you're going to use English then you could at least have the decency to learn it before posting on an English speaking image board

>invading America
Unlikely to happen, if America ever became weak enough to be conquerable it wouldn't be worth conquering.

Yup. If the draft opens up I’m gonna just go into the mountains and ski all winter

there’s this guy on my roblox server who said he would accept getting drafted and then suicide by taking out as many our officers with him. lots of the zoomer kids are suicidal and on antidepressants or literal trannys. i bet they would inflict more damage to us than the russians

I care about two things.
>My wife
>my dogs
Everyone else can tongue the anus