Why is Putin playing nice with Ukraine?

Instead of destroying the city and being ruthless, like they were in Chechnya?

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Optics breh they didn’t have social media back then for everyone to see

He's after the hunter biden biolabs and nothing more.

Everything is a globohomo move. He's just playing a role in the great reset

Russia's retaliation to the Beslan massacre was justified.

Because Ukrainians are just Russians with weird haircuts


i dont think he wants to level out a major city like Kyiv.

The full invasion will happen after Indian and Chinese finish their evacuation to prevent any diplomatic issues


true, hopefully it doesn't get to that point though

Ukranians are white orthodox christians
Chechens are browno muslims
Note Europe is more "refugees welcome" than it was when it was shitskins from Syria and Africa too.

bro, globohomo is over. they've lost their status as global hegemon, the "globo-" part of "globohomo" no longer applies

He doesn't want to conquer it. I think it's what it says on the tin; he's performing a police action against what he views as a NATO puppet government, killing criminals and then leaving. He has no ill feeling towards the average Ukrainian and doesn't wish them any harm.

Read the first page of the art of War. I'm sure putin has

Unless they were false flag attacks the Chechens had killed school children and bombed apartment buildings and attacked theaters. The Russian population didn't like them. Ukraine is different. It is like a brother country to Russia. Many have friends on both sides. Putin needs to stop the bombing and pull back. There's no reason to go this far. He's hurting himself at this point.

same reason hitler did, he didnt want war, he just wanted to help his people

Well in the 1st Chechnya war he was pretty light handed and got fucked on. It was only the 2nd Chechnya war that he went full scorched earth carpet bombing as revenge. If Ukraine falls within a month, which they will because they aren't crazed suicidal Syrian islamists, Kiev won't get glassed.

>bombed apartment buildings
that was FSB

Uh but Hitler was ruthless and leveled any city that resisted. Those that weren't leveled gave up, like Paris.

This is why it is going slow. He is leaving infrastructure and not destroying everything like yanks do.
His kindness is his weakness at the moment and NATO is using it by sending in more weapons while they still can.

Globohomo and NATO suck gwswy

>globohomo is over.
I didn't see a body.

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People who think Ukraine will become Syria and not just surrender are braindead. European countries don't let themselves get bombed into the ground like 3rd world crazy muslim countries. Look at Armenia and Georgia, once they knew it was over they gave up after a month.
