Hooly shit! now this is EPIC!!

hooly shit! now this is EPIC!!

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>le epic!

I know! IFL The Ukraine!

Holy heckerinoooooooooo!!! We stan a sunflower queen!

this. also fpbp

fr fr clap BACK!!

Omg you go gurl!!!


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wholesome moment updooted

id upvote this TWICE if I could!!

edit: thanks for the gold!!!!

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pointless death is actually AWESOME!

Hijacking comment to say get boosted and pray for Ukraine.

good reminder! I know war is heckin scary (putin bad!!!) but covid is way scarier. I got my fourth and fifth jabs yesterday and boy do I feel safe now :)

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Stupid woman. The sunflower seeds aren't going to grow after getting incinerated by the Russian portable crematories.




Low IQ. Keep sucking jewish communist cock and defending a mongoloid dictator killing the innocents of the last breed of the white race in Europe.

>planting seeds 6ft under ground

top kek

downvoted, sorry :(



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The Sunflower peddler of Sevastopol.


If only they was this bloodthirsty towards niggers who will inevitably ruin these reddit cuckold lives in Europe, but knowing them they probably enjoy or justify it. Can't stand the cuck white.

Oof, look at that karma.

karma's a BITCH lol!!!
sauce: twitter

how do you edit Any Forums posts?

I assumed you guys couldn't do that here because this site looks like something from the 1990s lol

also how do you upvote? it seems like a lot of posts that should definitely be hidden (violent, racist, and generally unacceptable language) aren't getting hidden so i wonder if your upvote/downvote system isn't working or something

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check your DMs

edit: not like that!!!! LOL

when does le narwahl bacon?