90% of us will be dead by 2030

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I had a good ride
I'll make it even better before I die

I believe you.

Good motherfucker because I'm the 10%

Death is a deliverance dont see it as a fatality.

Lol, k

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Really? Take care of yourself.

Ah dowd it

That's what the WEF wants.

>depressed 400 lbs incel posts tells everyone they're going to die for the 30th time today.
lol, you really cant handle stress can you?



I'm fine, didn't accept the genocide juice + i'm prepped

Why? because you helped Jewtin win?

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I don't mind as long as I can protect my beloved.

>marked frog now with jundice
>demoralization thread
double nigger

Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

can i help that come faster?

didnt take the vaccine, you're the 90% with VAIDS not me

Reminder that should it come down to it, your sole duty as a resident of this planet should be keeping those who initiated its destruction from reaching their bunkers, no matter the personal cost or sacrifice. If you let them escape what they have wrought, they will continue doing so after they emerge. Even if your future is grim or non-existent, give others the chance to make it right and make your last days or hours or moments matter. Kill the snake. Cut off its head. Good luck, my frens.

if schwabbie gets his way then yeah


Dont have to deal with dumbfuckery anymore

>Not dead
At least a massive quantity of dumb fucking idiots are gone and I can piss on their graves

Yeah, you're definitely a nigger.

I didn't take the vax, I will be fine.

Taylor Swift is the only tranny I would ever fuck.

i'll be 32 by then
what do you mean?

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I'm not afraid of the River of Death, I'm going to the Celestial City.

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Everyone dies. You can't stop it. You can't run away from it.

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