I have an announcement

It seems our humble little board is currently subject to intense profiling and shilling from various state agents, moreso than usual. And frankly, I've grown a bit tired of the whole thing—a sentiment I imagine many organic posters here would share. I think we deserve a break from the constant agenda-pushing.

So what the hell, let's have an announcement thread!
I've some choice statements to make, and I'd like to share them with all of you here with me tonight. Once enough attendees have arrived, I will will announce a 'final countdown' before I speak my piece. I'll periodically check in just so you lot know I haven't abandoned the thread. If more than 20 minutes pass without an update, you should assume something has occurred to prevent me from making my announcement.

Until the time for the big event arrives, feel free to lounge about and discuss matters among yourselves. That or just enjoy the music. Cheers.




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Other urls found in this thread:


The bar is also open if you're in the mood for some venting.

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Oh, and I forgot to mention, all costs for alcohol and cigars will be paid for by the janitors, so go wild.

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fuck off shill
fuckingn glownigger son of bitch
asuka best girl
fuck you you fbi agent OP i know you know i know you in or ganic tomatos 1.99 a dozen best buy it now or s7noed price go up

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What’s everyone’s favorite card game?


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>Muh Asuka versus Rei false dichotomy
What about Misato?

I'm having a shot of whiskey and a smoke.
If a fake WW3 is going to happen I want to be cozy while I watch.

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good thread
this board has been shit this weekend

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we’re all ears friend

I'm not sure why you assume I'm a glownigger. I appreciate the bump this thread needed, but I assure you, a glownigger I am not.

I've always been partial to 21 and Rummy, but Rush can be fun.

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The easiest way to defeat the shills is just to call them faggots constantly

fxxing goodnighter wtf fxx u
fk u2 u fxxing ufo fx2 fake fxxing u don't even like annie m8 b8 m8 i r8u 8/8

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I hate jannies and moot so fucking much.

My wife is asleep beside me. If I get digits I'm going to molest her in her sleep.
At the very least I'm going to nut all over her back.

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may i smoke at the bar? just whisky straight thanks.the shills are going ham my guys

It has been rough. There's just too many posters here—organic or not—for any productive discussion t take place. Hell, this thread was on page 8 less than a minute after its creation.

2nd best. The best way to fight them is not bump their low quality threads.

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>asuka is best girl
This is true, which is why I think you're a shill pretending to not be a shill.
>shills shilling shills as non-shills to counter rightful accusations of being the shills they are
This is the best timeline ever.
I can't wait for the nukes to fly.

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Checking in. What' y'all drinking tonight, frens?

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while waiting for ops announcemnent, please, feel free to copy my redpill.

the final redpill: Any Forums and trump and q are controlled satanic opposition.


to anyone who wants to know, heres how shits gonna go. its ALL lies. all of it. only trust in jesus christ and his original teachings ONLY. jesuits, government, freemasons, jews, aliens (all the different aliens) are ALL satans work. jesus is the only savior. noone is coming to save us. not trump, not q, not aliens, not any oganization, nothing. only jesus can save us and only jesus can save you. believe nothing but christ.

get saved

shroud of turn

The Truth. revelations is unfolding.









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Shills don't exist to read your replies, they create a thread and leave.


ALSO vocaroo.com/1eqfNafMEzGd

You have to go back

I love all my frens on Any Forums

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Nice, matey. I'm drinking me rum as per usual.


Rummy is great.

No single malt, though at least it's Irish.

I don't think people notice that the quality of the shills is important too. Most sites I noticed them had so much obvious shilling that it must bring the opposite effect that they want to get from all that. They can't overcome the internet opinion with just numbers.

Cheers, fren.

I await your announcements good SIRE

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I await your statements, my friend.

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(extending)but they get paid the same so its not like this matters to then

Hello sir. I will be waiting for it

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I suggest a new OP format for every thread on the board, in order to differentiate organic posts from inorganic posts.
Explicit declaration of motive(s) for posting the thread, perhaps?
Explicit declaration of source?

Used goods.

The shills can't stop seething. Speak your mind good sir.

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I have another take on this. They're not trying to be convincing, they already have the minds of the normies. They're going for full demoralisation against people like us, frens. This way we give up on the happenings and nobody actually knows wtf is going on.

unfathomobly based. not only do they work for free. they pay for our sustenence knowing full well we hate them and want to skull fuck them to death.
JANNY -- clean me up i have made a mess , and bring me a beer while you're at it.

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Degenerate leaf.

I wonder what special announcement OP's going to make. Will it involve disparaging remarks to cretins like jews and niggers perhaps? Will OP invite trannies to join the exclusive 41% club?

The excitement and curiosity is almost too much to bare!

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Did mods ever do something about shilling in the past?

Sure you can, but you might get some nasty looks for it like you probably do for being a tripfag.

Eh, gore-posting is good repellent for tourists, but it would be more appropriate to post elsewhere, in a more luminescent thread, if you catch my drift.

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Do you like sloppy seconds?

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have a bump, lets all cool off for a while from this happening

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Smoking a pipe is kind of like chess in that you have the beginning, middle, and end.
The first couple puffs of the main line (middle) will be dedicated to you, fren.

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Hallo frens I am not too late am I?

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Rolling to support your degeneracy. Let us see if Kek wills it.

>That image

I'll have a Founder's Porter please.

Also, fuck niggers.

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Based. I am also a pipe smoker. Based and traditional.

Well by god, man, speak!

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Giid evening sir. Im am here awaiting your speech

I wonder what of value is being slid?
Every know and then there is a glimmer of a good thread about how Putin is actually btfo globohomo.
But I'm basing this on my gut reaction that all these thread are "russia = bad" and I'm not seeing any good memes come from them.
Traffic was almost like this during the first couple days of the Freedom Convoy but that seemed more organic because there were dank ass memes.

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Earlier I had some fine Porto wine and right now I'm having a glass of brandy, specifically Grand Duque de Alba.