Has anyone else noticed this?

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How is the Ukraine the 'globalist stronghold', though? I have yet to see the evidence of that.

you can do better than this olgino
but it's nice that you can use a vpn now instead of meme flags i wonder for how much longer will you afford it

I don't even understand the correlation. As if Trudeau having those emergency powers today would mean anything differently.

It's the current corrupt ATM.

I’ll be honest, I literally haven’t been paying attention to Canada situation in like a month. Kek forgot all about that

So it’s all good now? Putin is the reason he lifted it? Kek

It would have been a wedge point in domestic policy. The leaders are all in on thus Ukraine shit.

All focus has to be 100% on Russia hate. They can't let the covid bullshit divide the people anymore.

>It's the current corrupt ATM.
Is that an English sentence? Corrupt Automatic Teller Machine? At The Moment? huh?

take your meds retard, jewtin is bombing merchant ships in the black sea, effectively shutting down grain and fertilizer exports in that region, you will eat the bugs very soon.

Whoah, saying you want to kill right wingers sure is based!! Bash the fash, all right wing Any Forums chuds must die!

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>you will eat the bugs very soon.
Can't eat the bugs if the bugs have nothing to eat.

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>I have yet to see the evidence of that
I doubt you ever looked into it.

Bugs will be eating dead humans

you'll get to eat fresh maggots from decaying bodies of vaxies.


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Lol, stick around and read this.

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> politicians do things while people are distracted
water is wet
thats life
adapt and vibe

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He meant to say FTM idiot

archive. ph/fVtcf

The globalists have a dozen bioweapons labs in Ukraine, and they're collecting ethnic Russian samples to develop diseases.

This is eugenics.

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Ukraine is one of the more prominent money laundering states.

It is also where a lot of biolabs are.

It is also the tip of the sphere for incorporation into the globohomo empire.

Make no mistake, no matter how many people shill about "Jewtin" being part of the WEF, he is a rogue agent who climbed to power when they were trying to fag up Russia during the Yeltsin years. He betrayed them and that's why he makes them seethe so fucking much.

>I doubt you ever looked into it.
I have the same doubt about you.

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look at pic

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>you'll get to eat fresh maggots from decaying bodies of vaxies.
That's about the only type of bug I can think will thrive. But you'll be competing with carrion feeders, too, like CAW CAW.
It's gonna get ugly.

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>thinks satire is real life
Hope you OD on krokodil next time, slavnigger

No it was because there was a bank run. Canadians moved into US accounts heavily, and closed bank accounts for cash. The banking system was facing real trouble. I sold my CAD and left it in a USD account there because it has to pay a lot more interest now and fucks the bank more. Doing my part

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Yeah he attended the last WEF meeting after shunning it for years to basically tell them their project was a failure on all fronts and never really began and they could go fuck themselves.

Like what’s the purpose of all this shit? Why do these old people have so much fucking energy to fuck everything up? Like why does it matter to them so much? I’m not even 35 and I barely have the energy to jack off anymore. What’s the motivation? Don’t they all already have all the pussy they want while already being impotent?

my conclusion as well
otherwise snowden would be dead by now

truckers had their bank account frozen before
navalny lol

Says the memeflag.

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Could these biolabs in Ukraine be where new covid variants are being made and dispersed to the general population?

Soros shill is going to get the rope

ita amazing how fast the trucker convoy in the USA was canceled when Russia stopped paying them kek

It's possible.
There's a list of bioweapon facilities run by the Pentagonn/DoD and the related outbreaks in the regions they're located.

Scroll through this it will blow your mind
archive. ph/fVtcf

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just consider them US medical research
black sites like wuhan

basically what guantanom bay is to civil rights
what 5 eyes is to your privacy
is ukraine biolabs to medical research

a way to bypass all US laws
I bet they did fetus research and so forth
not just bio weapon shit

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Yeah it was completely unregulated and they granted the employees of these sites diplomatic status to travel freely with biological samples.

>betraying the WEF
>rogue agent

Any Forums is a comedy site

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The amount of cope people inhale is hilarious sometimes.

It's greed and some sort of self pride thing in them thinking they're doing something righteous for humanity in general and they have their fingerprints on the works.

Good movie


It like how suddenly large gatherings weren't a problem when it came to BLM. Nothing gets in the way of globohomo.