Why don't we have 8 foot tall supersoldiers yet?

Attached: chicken-2.jpg (570x381, 30.96K)

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Notice that the chickens aren't taller, just fatter. Growth hormone just makes you look like Joe Rogan


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because we don't cull the weak like spartans? in fact we kind of encourage being a sicky weak mutant these days.

Would the chicken from the 50s taste better? Would I be better for you?

I do and they are all female and super hot.

I will unleash them soon.

Are you retarded? This is simply the growth of a chicken as it matures, the crest is an obvious sign. Maybe go to the countryside for once.

because eugenics bad

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Chicken in 2005 lookin thicc af.

They are hidden in underground facilities waiting for the final hour.

We have super baseddiers designed and bred for one thing: consumption

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Human artificial selection isnt egregious because out lifespans are much longer than animals.

because an 8ft tall soldier consumes more but is killed by the same bullet that kills a midget, which is a lot cheaper to maintain.

Because we’re not constantly bread for more tasty meat flesh

shorter soldiers are better

smaller targets

Its not growth hormone. Its breeding. I have 30 cornish cross chickens in my living room brooder right now.

Breeding the cattle for battle rather than complacency is a bad idea.

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Because a 5’6 85IQ amerigolem is enough to operate simple equipment and shoot muslims

This. Regardless of what kind of discoveries science can come up with, you'll always be a manlet.

> Notice that the chickens aren't taller
Are you blind retard? the one on the right is at least a head taller than the others.

Your chicken weigh 4 kg? What type of jewery is this, they weigh around 1-2 kg here even some weigh less than 1 kg.

Why would taller be better?

Serious question. If your expertise as a species is manipulating things delicately with your hands and fitting inside cockpits, and most of non-sport mixed martial arts is the refinement of killing people, why be tall? Reach is eliminated in the base animal world by selection, re: the punch shrimp, so why would the most agile animals to ever exist try to mimic gorillas? When we're excellent ballarinettes?

No, really

Black men would average 8 feet tall and be dunking on 16 foot rims if not for the western diet

>Are you retarded? This is simply the growth of a chicken as it matures, the crest is an obvious sign. Maybe go to the countryside for once.

This is your brain on idpol

Growth hormone for the boys and puberty blockers for the girls. This is the way

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We do. They are called African americans. Imagine if being a soldier paid sports money. Guys as big as LeBron are basically super soldiers

Good question. Also, why don't we have futas yet?

Blacks would all be 8 feet tall, the most intelligent of all races, the most athletic of all races, and the most educated of all races, except for the damn white man and his hatred of comedians with Jew ancestry and the politicians they support

>2005 was 30 years ago

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Mexican admixture is the most important factor for success, though.

Just look at IMDB


The more you know.

He's just standing up straight

we will when the globohomo finishes developing its humanoid robot advances to replace military and LEOs. its a' comin.

How come no kingdom or tribe in antiquity tried their hands at eugenics and breeding big strong warriors or super hot sex slaves?

Just not too short, average height is the most optimate in terms of speed/stamina balance.