Trump won

>enemy money laundering "country" destroyed
>Russia cut off from SWIFT ensuring new cold war
>many fortunes absolutely destroyed, almost all those of his enemies
>china has grown more boldly anti-american
He is truly the Shadow President.

Attached: 160608-trump_thelid-1614.jpg (2500x1667, 694.41K)

>china has grown more boldly anti-american
yeah really based leader that trump, encouraging a civil war and a war with an actually threatening country. can someone blow this fat traitors head off?

He was right to do everything he did. He should have gone full Justin and declared Martial Law and seized the bank accounts of every Antifa and supporter.

>he was right to weaken the country as much as humanly possible
play some more video games

Wtf are you ranting about?

we are weak because we're so focused on replacement migration and sending money to shit holes

all these losses will result in an inward focus which is just what we need, thanks you pig faced slack cunted hausfrau for your work

>spends entire presidency promoting infighting in the country
>also spits on the most dangerous country in the world, China
just because a warmongerer isn’t successful doesnt mean he isn’t a warmongerer

>weaken the country as much as humanly possible
That was this asshole

Attached: obongo.jpg (5000x3155, 1.11M)

>Trump promoted infighting
>It wasn't the Jewish media

>spends entire presidency promoting infighting in the country

Sounds like you're talking about Brandon. Vaxxed vs unvaxxed, rich vs poor, etc

>also spits on the most dangerous country in the world, China

Weakening China because US policies emboldened them over the 3 decades.

You're either an idiot or are new at this

>lets do something bold
>what if we sent the president out in a tan suit
>amazing it sounds great
>we will have obama wear a tan suit
>the president has been wearing blue for decades

you retards were crying abut inflation, vaxx mandates when it was all part of Trumps plan


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>Shadow president.
Welp, now i just have to start up that old game again and nuke israel.

Trump deserves to be publicly tortured to death in Times Square. His little bitch screams would sound so, so sweet. :)

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trump constantly doing monday night quarterback what ifs, "this would never happen under me" looks very weak, petty and cry baby
dont care for democrats but this is on the wrong side of history

64d chess

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there were no mandates, meme flag

that's the real humor here, joe didn't manage to jab anybody through his fake ass mandates

it was Trumps fake mandates, and it was all part of the plan

patriots in control

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Trump made no mandates because even though all the companies had their vaccine ready since August of 2020 they didn't admit it until Trump "lost."


>Trump's the shadow puppet!

Brandon has been in office for over a year now and has fucked up Afghanistan, inflation, gas, supply chain, no student loan forgiveness, distributes $30,000,000 worth of crack pipes instead, more COVID deaths than Trump, China starring shit with Taiwan, Putin invades Ukraine

Libtards have reached levels of cope never seen before

agree, he didnt even go overboard with the whores

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Trump is the shadow prez, he is contorlling the government, Biden is on house arrest

inflation was caused because Trump printed 40% of all dollars ever during his last year,
but that was all part of the plan

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Trump wins again