Wins against a superior enemy

>wins against a superior enemy
How did they do it

Attached: Viet_Cong_Soldier.jpg (808x572, 144.71K)

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Trees and tunnels

Guess they weren't so superior after all huh?

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nigga on the left got drip tho

paramilitary guerilla tactics.

Demotivated lazy Americans

>How did they do it

dense jungle
mountainous terrain

>clearly hairy arm and white hand
this guy found this plastic bowl in a souvenir shop and made a shitpost

>Hide in Laos and China
>Have superior understanding of the environment
>Understand they just need to wait the US out
They were just scrappier in a good way.

Having an aggressor whose secondary goal was winning and the primary goal to test battle tactics and gear in a new environment. Gotta enrich that MIC somehow .

they wanted it more.

Guerrilla warfare, and America's biggest enemies were the ones making decisions for them.

Guerilla warfare may incur many losses but it always wins out in the end. Also the Vietnam War was dumb as fuck, fighting northern vietnamese in south vietnam without ever invading north vietnam was never gonna work out. If you want a war to end you have to take out enemy leadership.

They did the needful while burgers were fucking ladyboys in Thailand.

Big if true


We quit.
The gooks didn't win a single battle.

This. People seem to forget the only reason we didn’t rape, kill, and genocide gook subhumans into the north was out of a concern of a surprise Chinese incursion (like in the Korean war)

except for the battles they won.

Americans resumed to napalm only and not also occupying the bombed zones.

With a regular army Any Forums pretends didn’t exist.

Keep fighting despite taking 1000-1 losses.
Basically put the occupying force in a position that they'd have to genocide your entire population to win.

Because Vietcong got fucking spanked militarily. Literally slaughtered. US could have only won by wiping the whole country out.

Why are you always like this?

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Guerilla warfare by natives who knew the unforgiving terrain like the back of their hand.

By being bullet sponges for ten years until the U.S. public got tired of the war

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>Guerilla warfare may incur many losses but it always wins out in the end.
There's been studies and it loses more often than it wins. About 60-40 in favor of the state.

VC lost, the NVA won

uncle Ho leader

When 7500000 million Tons of bomb can't break you (1000x Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and when 2500000 troops can't take your land, nothing can.

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>VC lost, the NVA won
Finally someone who actually knows about Vietnam, and doesn't just go "muh guerilla tactics"
The VietCong ceased to exist after the Tiet Offensive.

pic related is how

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lol win!
because of communist jews in the us running interference bigly. anyway after we left the war went on for like a year and a half.

they were not superior in their morale which is all that matters at the end of the day

The US has never won a single war in its entire history, hence why they usually only fight by proxy.

Ideally there will be a war right at America’s gate’s soon that forces them into a conflict they have to fight and lose by themselves.

I swear it wouldnt matter.
Vietnam was freshly out of a revolt against french colonial rule and roided with strong anti imperialist communist thought and allies.
The people were all mobilized.

Americans fought as if they were fighting a convetional army and didn't learn to fight like their enemy. Also mutts don't have the spine to do what it takes unlike based viet congs.

thats way too small to be an adult male's skull especially in the hand of a dink.
cope more

how did they win? they didn't even went push back the US. All they did was die and cry.

I really don't think a Frenchmen has any room to criticize the U.S. handling of Vietnam.

They did help win WW2

>thats way too small to be an adult male's skull
That's because it's not an adult skull retarded mutt
T. I get paid to cut people in small meat cubes

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>how did they win? they didn't even went push back the US. All they did was die and cry.
Yeah, but the American public got tired of seeing it on CNN all day so we had to leave.
Besides claiming a bunch illiterate farmers on the other side the Earth are a threat to the United States was kind of a tough sell.

Asians are hard as nails little motherfuckers.

Plus Soviet weaponry in this case.

Actual answer is, with the advent of nationalism, it's become impossible to control a nation against the wishes of its populace.
If the entire country doesn't want you there, then you either kill all of them or get the fuck out.

The ARVN did the majority of the ground fighting and claps still managed to lose 60,000 men lmao.

>rice farmers

America's army doesn't fight to occupy area in traditional sense. America could have defeated Vietcong if they wanted to, same applies to most conflicts. Americans just come in and create a globohomo puppet state for a while and fight local insurgents, and later just leave when the area is no longer politically or economically useful, and in most cases the endless war is the most profitable thing.

seriously though. I don't get how can you claim victory without even occupying bases and territory. Does vietnam even claim that they defeated the US or it's just liberal BS propaganda? Who the hell proclaimed that the US were defeated by vietcong? The vietcong only took territories the moment the US left vietnam.