What will be of us if WW3 happens, bros?

What will be of us if WW3 happens, bros?

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I'm drinking a nice caipirinha right now, fuck incels

World Orgy Porgy 3 - Electric Boogaloo the Return to Tenochtittylan

You are going to get a boom of white refugees if ww3 kicks off.

Let them kill themselves


Lol who cares?

Nothing you are too brown for be a treat to the NWO

Oh God, please this!

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>mfw brazil becomes the world superpower after ww3.

We all know that country that is going to betray us all ....

living in south america is worse than war

We will get rich and save western civilization from itself by teaching eurocuck refugees how to avoid taxes.

Can I come over as a refugee?
I love beautiful South American shemales!

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Yes hans just land on a plane as a tourist and stay nobody gives a fuck

Ye, all the males to colonize your macaco asses.
The females we will send to Iceland.

I don't even care about that bro.. I just want to be surrounded by people who look like me, don't smell like shit and who aren't going to stab me for my shoes.

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I do.

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Will even work for beautiful young tranny gf

Yall are VIP. Every yuropean is invited, except pirate monkeys

I'm blond and green eyed and can speak 4 languages... I'll be fine.

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If you don't help us win you will all die

Isn't that one of those giant guinea pigs?

meant to quote

Those are Capybaras burger.

user its worse when you are with your own people and feel like a outsider.
Trust me.And the refugees you will get will be the faggot s oooo yy cucks.

Nothing is going to happen here. We however got some front row tickets to see retards kill each other in Yurop.

Let's go Latinos against the communists. Let's raise our wings and fly to freedom. Let's show what it means to live without borders and identify ourselves as a single nation as our liberator Bolívar wanted. Hear Mexico our call! This is the last call.

kek, what are the odds, literally so am I fren.
Based German descendants in disguise.
Sieg Heil mein Freund.

> american
Your country is globohomo central user

I will just keeping jerking off to japanese cheating porn

God I want to go to Brazil. My dad always tells me how great and cheap the meat is over there. Warm weather, alcohol, hot women. My part of the country even has a colony there.


Gonna have to doubt that user, nothing is worse than living near niggers. Even the gypsies are better company, believe me, I'm speaking from experience.
My family comes from Ukraine and Russia but any european is kin.

If you're white then, by all means, come here

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Keep drinking margaritas and exporting pornography and drugs.

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>nothing is worse than living near niggers
I have to trust you then I have no experience living with niggers.

Nothing, our politicians will switch to the winning team/ideology inmediatly

We'll be fine

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How are the wages in brazil fren like in western europe or worse?

This. Brits will be shot on sight.

Nothing, no one gives a shit about South America.


>What will be of us if
nothing, you're golden. your econs will collapse without drug and resource trade but no major targets and the wind doesnt readily circulate between hemispheres
except all the globalist *holes who wrecked the west and caused all this will be moving to your continent
soon, you too can have blue haired bansees roaming your lands demanding equity for whatever marginalized groups you have. and if they're arent any, they'll make them up

we'll get our own special brand of hell with a globohomo constitution and commie puppet government plus inflation through the roof. stock up on what you need now because the whole ship is going down.

White, blue eyes and blonde hair. Treze Tílias in Brazil is even whiter than my country itself lmao

we'll continue to be irelevant with no geopolitical impact whatsoever.

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your tankie president is talking the ruskki side

>no one gives a shit about South America
And that's a good thing

If neither Venezuela not Cuba start any shit probably nothing.

>you too can have blue haired bansees roaming your lands demanding equity for whatever marginalized groups you have. and if they're arent any, they'll make them up
we already have those, but theyre good to fuck

none of them will even look at your face, Vetulio

Apparently, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela will side with the Russian Alliance. Maybe Argentina as well. Brazil is anyone's guess, I'm getting opposing vibes from Bolsonaro and Mourao.
Either way, I wish you the best in this psycho world.

It's our secret macaco recipe.

it is a tropical place, building infrastructure is impossible



minimum wage here is 235 dollars you will barely survive with that money. If you are single and want to live a good life you need at least 1000 dollars.

I will gladly offer my boypussy to European colonizers.

I have a degree in finances how much do accountants make over there?

you'll be as irrelevant as ever to the world..

Here is your entry visa and complimentary caipirinha and soccer ball. Welcome to Brasil user. We need as many white people here as we can get for when we take our country back from the niggers.

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I Will conquer Uruguay in the mame of Urugayan boypussy

how can i apply for asylum?

Argenegros will try to invade Falklands while the UK is busy elsewhere, but other than that, Mexico doesn't have any problems with other countries. We have our own problems to deal with.

I'm not an incel, already have a girl who looks like me. I just want what is best for my country.

War in Europe is good for our economy you mofus. Even if the commies continue to shit it up with retarded laws and taxes.

I hope this war brings a lot of refugee qts to balance all the garbage we got in the last years. The actual average price for a prostitute is like 30 mil pesos thanks to the Venezuelan girls whoring themselves to survive. The minute the Ukrainian girls arrive here is the minute I'll have to declare bankruptcy.

It is hell!
I just came back from the beach. I watched chicks playing volleyball in tiny bikinis while drinking beer and eating fried BBQ ribs topped with lime juice.
Send help!

According to google, about 800-2000 dolars per month it depends on the city.

>What will be of us if WW3 happens, bros?
Well first I gotta gather an army and seize Calgary, then head to the North and seize Edmonton. From there it's only 3,000 km to Ottawa
Québec, you are free to join me but also free to go.

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Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela will bring war to our lands.

The only beneficiaries of a nuclear war.

There's absolutely nothing of value to nuke, you guys are far above sub Saharan niggers, have some capacity for industrialization, reasonable land, plenty of resources, and a hefty population.

Post apocalyptic Castilian order, I like this timeline.

Germ please

We should wait it out and continue developing ourselves economically.
Let the amerilards and ruskies spend all their money on killing eachother, we'll just stick to that grind and eventually out-prosper them.

>Maybe Argentina as well
We have trade deals with both Russia and China, but thats it. Not a single soul is defending Russia and our goverment will try to stay neutral as we always have done. Unless there is a clearly attack to our nation we will pick a side, but regardless of that. We will stay neutral
We will chill and drink mate while the "western civilization" destroy themselves over forgotten ghosts
Ignore us and keep your shit in your courtyard

Shit pushed in.

>have a girl that looks like me
I hope you and your sister are happy as man and wife

Probably a bunch of putinist refugees.
Maybe they can move in between the nazis and confederatos.

You need to go to the nearest federal police building and explain your situation. So, the first step is coming here or going to the brazilian embassy in Germany.

The legitimate retaking of Paraguay and Uruguay to Brazil.

Freedom or death.

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Keep being someone's pets

Filho da puta, meu café saiu pelo nariz.

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While the eternal anglo is distracted u argies should go for the falklands this you most likely will win..

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Bolivia will invade peru