The propaganda that Ukraine is winning is actually being pushed by Russians.
If that doesnt make sense, then its working.

Attached: sirkov.png (498x434, 186.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The idea that coke tastes better is being pushed by Pepsi, if that doesn’t make sense then it’s working

>2 weeks long 4D Chess best move is not to play. Q.


if chewbacca is a wookie living on the planet Endor....

double blind studies show that pepsi inside a coke brand can is the best tasting of the four options:
>pepsi disguised as coke (rated as best)
>coke disguised as pepsi (rated as worst)

Appear weak when you're strong, and strong when you're weak

Attached: 1645554100932.gif (270x270, 971.8K)

>Taking Adam Curtis seriously in 2022

>We were only pretending to lose!

wouldn't surprise me, but still this:

But always be a lying faggot and a deadweight.

>The propaganda that Ukraine is winning is actually being pushed by Russians.
If that doesnt make sense, then its working.

Describing nonlinear warfare to a person is a great litmus test to find out whether or not they're an NPC. Either they know about it and can give examples, which is a strong sign they're awake, or you can see the gears start turning in their head and considering the deep implications of this revelation. Also a sign they're awake to some degree or working on it.

If they just don't get it, or say something along the lines of 'hurr durr conspiracy theory,' or try to make it entirely about Drumpf, or some specific political party, they're a lost cause NPC and they're not someone you should keep in your social circle if you can help it.

Attached: zfegaLUK.jpg (706x706, 43.88K)

What if the president of ukraine is working with putin and all help from nato gets taken over by russia?

Attached: butin.jpg (465x670, 56.44K)

Normalization of faggotry (sociopathy). 99.9999% of times it’s a waste of time caused by effeminate jews and jewish dykes seeking more gibs and power.

That's a great video. The galaxy brain take here is that his revelation of nonlinear warfare, could itself, be an act of nonlinear warfare designed to do exactly what the conclusion asserts -- leave the viewer unsure of what to believe

Attached: 1606846869437.png (1000x1000, 366.96K)

Putin funds both sides. The anti Putin protests are funded by Putin. KGB tactic.


Dealing with attention whores is simple: ignore and don’t contact them as much as possible.

>backs up claim with anglo propaganda

Coke (with cane sugar) is ALSO objectively better.

The fuck is wrong with people today and seeking validation by studies / twitter / The State.

bad comparison
more like coke promoting the idea that pepsi is sold more in the belief that then more will buy coke

I remember watching the HyperNormalisation documentary a couple of years ago and I found it quite interesting. Do you know what I don't take seriously? Stupid retards that just reply with half sentences and "ngmi". If you think that the documentary is a bunch of bullshit, fair enough. State your case and I will consider your arguments. You don't have to write an essay, but fuck off with your "ngmi" bullshit. I don't agree with everything in this documentary, but he had some very interesting points, it's certainly worth a watch.

Being a gaslighting homo is the standard for every government (because they are full of jews and similar criminals).
The documentary omits a lot about this.