The amount of "just surrender, dude" posts here are disturbing

It's pretty fucked up and it's wrong.

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Explain to me why it’s wrong.
Why is being ruled by Russia so bad? How would it be different from what they have now?

Yeah, they should die for their installed kike actor

Here's your jew.

its funny cause you faggots said youd have their backs then you fucked off and let them to die and now you want them to continue fighting in this hopeless war
why are you guys such genocidal psychos?

The rare surviving German flag jew

Our daddy Biden has personal financial interests to consider. Fuck off.

>Die for a feminist country that allowed women to flee while you're forced to stay and painfully die!

Always do the opposite and start a civil war against the govt instead :3c

You dare post with that mem flag?

You nigger

The kike president of Ukraine is ordering white civilians to sacrifice themselves in an unwinnable conflict and you’re calling me the jew?
Just answer the fucking question. Why is this worth dying over?

Stop fighting against it and surrender to your glorious destiny.

> kill Jewtin and friends
> kill the friends of the jewish comedian (the bitch already escaped to another country, apparently)
> profit (literally)


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There's a special twatter account you can subscribe to if you find it all too stressful to cope.

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Defeating Britain also seemed impossible when you were a colony. Some people just prefer to die fighting than living in a way they don't want to.

Naw, it's about fighting for what you really love. For instance, England and Wales made slavery illegal under common law in 1774. That meant the yanks would have had to stop importing niggers and send them back. They fought for what they loved.

We had help from another superpower (France). Everyone has already told Ukraine they’re not getting help from anyone.
I still don’t actually understand why the American revolution happened. Doesn’t seem like they had a good reason. “Muh taxes” sounds like an excuse for some sort of kikery. If I was alive back then I very strongly doubt I would have been willing to fight.

Damn, that makes the American revolution sound like an even WORSE idea.
All the problems we have today are because our ancestors were too lazy to pick their own cotton.

>just kill your slavic brothers to defend your globohomo kike puppet state bro

Kill yourself.

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Shitty sociopath kids gonna be shitty. Hide the thread, they're just baiting for (you)s

Wanting to prevent unnecessary deaths is the opposite of being a shitty sociopath.

>dying for a corrupt government
>doing it for free at that
Lol I wouldnt die for this shithole country, this shithole state, maybe my shithole land, possibly for my neighbor. Reevaluate your life. Nationalism and patriotism are empty memes in the globohomo era.

By submitting to Russian rule and rewarding the behavior of a warmongering imperialist? Are you a Russian on a VPN or just dumb?

just STFU dude