Why doesn't he just surrender? I mean him personally. The Russians want him out of office...

Why doesn't he just surrender? I mean him personally. The Russians want him out of office, so why prolong the suffering of his people?

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As long as the government and parliament are officially in power they can embezzle money from the Ukrainian people.

He is a Jew who hates Ukraine

When you let russians leading your country it is not yours anymore. And russian are guests with hard to get rid off. They won't leave by askinkg nicely.

Because he's a corrupt Jew who doesn't want to face justice. Nobody liked him before all of this started.

Given that women were allowed to flee, men should just surrender already.
Fighting for a feminist country that considers you human trash has no point.

>Why doesn't he just surrender?

He is an anime protagonist.

Why surrender when you can send white people to die from the safety of your bunker?

ukrainians need to get rid of this jew before more people die

because he's a fucking god.
cope loser Any Forumsacks who root for putin
zelensky is a chad god who's going to win poopoo putin's stupid war

The pedophile elite havent told him to yet. We have to get these mid terms settled first so give the people a show and make them forget.


>just surrender and let Russians rape your country

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Because he's not gonna let Russia oppress his people.

Only western out of touch Ukrainian retards didn't like him. Most Ukrainians IN Ukarine (aka the only that matter) like him a lot. Go dilate you filthy tranny.

Because the Ukrainians feel pretty strongly about remaining independent. The public supports him. They have a volunteer army of over 100k of people from office jobs. Who wants to be dominated by a Russian imperalist?

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>be independent
>be a globohomo ZOG nation

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I was getting that feeling that Zelenskyy is evil as fuck

>Why doesn't he just surrender? I mean him personally. The Russians want him out of office, so why prolong the suffering of his people?
Keep marching to your death, mutt.

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cause he's jewish and not ukrainian, retard.
kikes already fled the nation why would he surrender?

Putin wants control of Ukraine - so to change whole administration and not only this one man.

generally if your not willing to defend your country from invading army - your not going to have your country for long...

Because now the Russian army needs to find him in the centre of a city of 3 million.

Even if surrender a lot if not majority of the people want Ukraine to go the western route. Dunno what Putin is thinking tho even if he win he loose its not like all the people in Ukraine will kneel to him or his puppet government they will still want out and away from russia.

>majority of the people want Ukraine to go the western route
Engaging in globalist faggot and nigger worship isn't the western route.

because he wants as many deaths as possible