What is he thinking right now anons?

What is he thinking right now anons?

Attached: putin.jpg (474x284, 25.8K)

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He has really fucked up his face with that botox.It has seeped into his brain

“Wow did I fuck up big time”

Putin's kiev and kharkov
Formerly zelensky's kyiv and kharkiv
Bottom text

'so many of my men killed, my god, what have I done' 'all Is vanity'

About who from his staff will try to shoot him.

He's starting to realize his russia is going to be as isolated as North Korea in a matter of weeks. Sweating bullets.

>I’ve been humiliated

Putin is the hero the Christian people need. May God bless Putin in Jesus name


Attached: Faith heals.jpg (717x795, 198.44K)


Probably about the parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis to today.

That's he's going to get some Ukrainian pussy.

>what have I done

Hopefully it is "Launch the nukes. All of them!"

He's probably raging, entire western world seems determined to hurt Russia as much as possible without actually going to war.
If they get removed from swift it's unironically over for Russia in economic terms and he's still stuck in a war he won't reverse on, it would be utter humiliation

Death to globohomo. Anyone saying something else is a bot or paid to post.

nope, I dont think that's it, user lol

why am I no superpower any more with my 144M citizens and ancient army equipment

vodka. a lot of vodka. he hates thinking about anything else.

shutup muzzie, nobody asked you

imagine how small is putin penis lmao, probably he's thinkin about it all the time

why else would anyone want to invade ukraine?
their going to kill all the men, and take all the women and femboys are prizes to be passed around.

You think he gives a shit kek

Retarded Russian monkey

Attached: 6EB36DD3-1D22-47AF-A0A1-D395E0FFAB40.jpg (607x403, 226.82K)

"my men" wut? More like "haha more dead gentiles" - Jewtin.

Attached: Rus part of globohomo.png (1235x651, 90.53K)

"Vere izz my war yarmulke? I must show zee solidarity withz Israel."
"Denazify zee whole volrd!"

>It will always be Ella, curse you Jean. Blyat!

It's the opposite of Downfall/Der Untergang. He's winning the war but still raging in his bunker.

Did I fucked up?

To bomd or not to bomb.

Probably fearing getting backstabbed by someone seeing he single handily ruined Russia's future. Going forward, the best outcome is becoming China's vassal and hope they don't take back Vladivostok.
Seriously, their armed forced are still stuck in soviet days and NATO just woke up to that truth, that they could steamroll Russia considering their current performance. Same thing with China, they now saw their biggest ally is a paper tiger and their only value is nukes.

"It's over"


Your wife on my big cock