Prove you're not a shill

Reply with: It's Kiev not Kyiv.

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It's nigger not nigga

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It's k.... I canna do it.

It's Kiev not Kyiv.
but Putin's still a kike

Its qweef!

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purphle burhglararlarm

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It's Kyiv, not Kiev.

It's Kijów actually.

actually it's Kijów ;^)

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i’ll call it key-if just to trigger ruskies


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it was always kyiv what do you mean, where did this kiev shit came from? yeah it was "kiev" here and there but kyiv was always the more popular name..

I prefer Kyjev

Kyiv fuck you nigger
Georgia is Sakartvelo

It's queef not kweef

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Kiev is an Ukrainian city and belongs to Ukraine.

Kek, sage.

It’s Gayv actually

It's Niggertown, not Kiev nor Kyiv.


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It's sneeds, formally chucks.

it's quieb, abdul

i miss her


Its ma'am

It doesn't matter what it really is. But shills are under orders to strickly not refer to it as Kiev so its just funny to see them reveal themselves like that.



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I downloaded your picture. This is one of the best things I've ever seen. Im about to cross post it to rebbit. Time to farm karma off you faggot

Kiev is the first capital of Russia and is located in the ukraine


in a few days it's blyat not kiev

it's keef

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Kief if you feel like it