Official LAUGH AT RUSSIA Thread

I've never seen a military so disorganised.

>Soldiers not knowing why they're in Ukraine

>Soldiers trading their weapons and >equipment for food and fuel

>Tanks and soldiers literally separated from >their divisions lost on Ukrainian Highways

Thousands of Russians dead and it's only day 2.5

Putin speaking nervously and coping in front of his angry Oligarchs.

This is so embarrassing kek.

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It's hilarious. Russians really are the Niggers of Asia.

If russia isn't a threat after all, what was the whole global order since WW2 based on? Crazy.

>reddit spacing


reddit --->

>these useless fucks haven't even taken one city yet

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Nukes. That's literally it. Man opened Pandora's Box after Hiroshima and he has tried to control its spread ever since. And that's all Russia has to offer in the end. Its huge nuclear stockpile was always a sign of weakness, a compensation for something else.

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Keep in mind this is a greatly weakened Russia.
During the cold war, the soviet union actually contained a drastic amount of war material, betting on quantity vs quality.
And given the lack of automated systems, this was an actual threat.
But now we are dealing with an army that has mostly spent its money on maintenance.
This is a relatively recent development. I personally am glad the west as a whole was cautious enough to wait until this became clear.

they tried to do blitzkrieg but forgot they were subhuman mongrels who don't actually know how to do anything. i am loving every second of this shit show.

based on nukes they still don't want to use.
we'll see in few days if they won't capture kiev.
they're getting sweaty..

They've taken a city. Literally just one fucking city, but still a city.

There is absolutely no way nukes enter the picture in this scenario.
Not only would Putin have to use tactical nukes, opening up a new arms race, but the entire world would condemn him based on perception alone, ending any chance of his regime. Imagine being the first leader since WW fucking 2 to use a bomb like that on people.
What a retarded mistake if this war is actually going as the propaganda says.

WW2 Global order is based on kikes seizing every powerful institution in our countries. The same kikes who own the US also own Russia, Ukraine and most of Europe. While they are in power any war will to the benefit of kikes and to the detriment of whites. There is one condition that would cause an acutal world war. If and when a country expels their jewish occupation government like Germany did in WW2, then you will see the other ZOG countries declear an actual war. Until that happens, consider these skirmishes fake and gay.

Jesus, calm down blood craving boors. The only thing you can do is to talk shit on the internet.

>I've never seen a military so disorganised.
YOU haven't seen anything. You are basing your post on what prop Ukrainian propagandists have posted on social media.

Why do they keep trying those absolutely retarded air assaults? Is it some Russian joke to just send the VDV in to die or get captured.

Before Russia was perceived as stronk. Now it is looking as if this was a lie.
Ofc they are pouncing, they are creatures who feast on carrion, like all modern humans.
Do you think they would not relentlessly kick Globohomo America if it was down?

>mfw not being Russian

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Read Anna Politkovskayas book "Small Corner of Hell" that tells about 1st Chechnya war.
It literally describes exactly what is going on now in Ukraine. Conscript and military units drunk, disorganized, many not knowing where they are and thinking its a training exercise... Nothing has changed.
Russian shills will cry shill and that she is just western puppet propagandist, yet Putin still saw her worth getting assassinated for what she exposed.

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Indeed. I think the Chinese can be the deciding factor here. Sure they're deceitful but they do look out for number 1, and that means not accepting the use of nuclear weapons which would change the geopolitical landscape forever and thus fuck up their long-term plans. Putin is a cornered animal and only China can really leash him.

NATO knows this. Their real and only threat has and will always be the nukes. Same with China

Do oligarchs really control Russian politicians?

Anyone targeted for death is worth listening to.
As hackneyed as is it is to repeat Goy of Thrones, "Why cut out a man's tongue? Because you are afraid of what they have to say."

Yeah I saw some vid about poor fucking conscripts being trapped in Chechnya and high command did absolutely nothing even when they were surrounded and were begging for help. They were literally told to take Chechen women and children hostage to be able to escape.

Now you learn about it? Literally temperature and weather saved them from getting raped by Napoleon and Hitler. SOviets and Russia was always bad with technology and tactics.

Lmaoo imagine being russian rn

Bahhahahs hahah

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Exactly this, the normalization of nuclear weapons benefits the Chinese least.
Out of their stockpile, they have the least of any of the great powers.
Not only that, but their educated population is heavily concentrated onto their coast.
Bombs that big can finish them quickly.

It was all about East Germany obviously.

URSS >>>>>>>>>>>> Russian federation

Based. Should we strike while the iron is hot and take over Moscow? Our elite 6'4 chads armed with top american equipment will make quick work of these eurasian manlets.
Slava Ukrainie!

Not even Kim Un is retarded enough to start nuke war. Its a tactic that only a suicidal Muslim terrorsit would use for Allah, not anyone with some wits

The confusing part is that they never seem to change. So many years and they still fuck up such a simple war. They had months of preparation what were their generals doing?

>I've never seen a military so disorganised.
US troops running from Afghanistan.

Professional armies are very expensive.
It is basically a career, while conscript armies spend little to nothing.
Do you know what the largest expense for western defense spending is?
It isn't research or fancy new weapons, its retaining personnel with experience.

So you're comparing yourself to faggots and niggers who actually managed to topple a government and hold a country for 20 years?
Not a great look Ivan.
I thought you were supposed to be european, not african like the united states.

Because of insane corruption from top to down. Nepotism, thievery, bribery. Putin and top brass think they are better equipped and prepared than they actually are because everyone steals, lies and makes up numbers.

We're both niggers, John.
You in the western hemisphere and us in the east.

imagine beign a Joke Biden voter

I just want to know what pushed him to do this. People babble on about muh NATO and muh USA bad, but it doesn't seem enough. Normal diplomacy + some oligarch cash would've probably helped de-escalate Russia's relation with west. Instead Putin goes for hail mary, and makes the whole world and his own people despise him. Did he expect the world not to care about Ukraine? Did the US intel leaks ruin everything?

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>many not knowing where they are and thinking its a training exercise
I genuinely laughed at this, it sounds hilarious if true - more details?

I really hope Ukraine will win but they won't. Putin most likely sent in cannon fodder because he thought this will be over soon. That's probably the reason why he wants to negotiate now. He wants what he started the war for without spending much money on it. I don't know what will happen when the negotiations fail but I hope that he won't go all out. There is no way the Ukraine is going to win this and I find it highly dangerous to think that civilists with guns can defeat the Russian army if Putin gets fed up.

Retreating from Afghanistan in a shambles is a fine military tradition.

But did the generals really know of the situation in advance? Or maybe the generals did, but how low in the organization was the truth allowed to travel?
I mean all Russian news outlets kept saying this threat of war is just Biden/CIA trying to scare people and propagate people against Russia, who is just doing yearly military exercises with Belarus. I am pretty sure we can assume that most Russian troops didn't know it was going to be a real war either. Who knows if even Putin had decided it yet.

Or you're just sick of hearing it

Lmao look at the Russian grasping at straws. How is your economy doing, Ivan? For me, I am sitting in my comfy house with plenty of food planning a remodel of my basement.

That's why he sent Chechens this early. He wants the troublesome minorities and ex-terrorists killed first.

If Russians lose this war they are fucked up , Putin may lose power and get replaced

I hope it wasn't the Ice Hockey.

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Global superpower my ass
The only country they won against is Georia, a tiny dot on a world map.
They literally couldn't even win against their own people (Chechens)