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what the fuck else is new

big if gay


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Here in Canada most provinces that have them are dropping it now.
I'm going to mock you mutts relentlessly if we end up with more freedom than you.

There’s a direct correlation between vaccination status and intelligence.

Lesser intelligence, ya


What a bunch of parasitic bastard cockroaches ruling over the people.

Only setting the stage for (((their))) next variant. How much more obvious can it get

post links fagget

Thanks for posting a source.

By the data presented in this article, out of 5 million people surveyed, 310 with PhDs were more hesitant than the general population to receive the vaccine.
Pretty thin.

Anecdotally, all the people I know who refuse the vaccine are overweight blue collar high school graduates.

Yeah, thin. It's not as if hospitals all over the country are short-staffed from firing doctors and nurses who wouldn't take the vax.

Oh, wait...

thats weird, its the other way for me; all the beautiful/thin/intelligent/rich ones won't take it.

> To wit: Every Canadian province has now adopted SMART Health Card verification, as has Aruba, the Cayman Islands, Singapore and Japan.


Yeah dude Russia invaded Ukraine because you don't wanna wear a mask or something