Can anyone translate the ingredients on this pic...

Can anyone translate the ingredients on this pic? I hope it says gasoline and motor oil instead of fucking styrofoam and gas.

Attached: 1645782829009.png (586x627, 272.46K)

cum and bong water

can someone post the finnish guide here because that pic looks awful lmao

you can do it yourself by googling "online image OCR" and selection "ukrainian" and then copying the text and moving it to google translate.

Google. google google.

All you need is petrol and a rag you fucking retard.

Attached: 61987F59-FA71-4EC6-964F-C99ABE87F297.jpg (1640x2131, 1.46M)

>try to throw a molotov cocktail on a tank
>0 damage
>gets blown the fuck out by tank
whats the plan here ukrainian kikes in power?

Attached: 1645843357526.jpg (856x1150, 126.78K)

perfect, I saw some dumb ukie melting styrofoam into gas/diesel. That shit is overrated, you can get a massive fucking hot fireball with just motor oil and gasoline (does ukraine use gasoline or diesel for their cars?)

fire is hot as fuck, especially a gas and oil fire and the oil makes it sticky enough to stay put more or less, but it burns hotter.

if using diesell you might actually want something to make it easier to light

Why do trannies look the same everywhere in the world, they all try so hard to be feminine and child-like, always dressed in pink clothes with cartoons or animals on like you’d expect your 6 year old daughter to wear and the matted, scraggly and thinning hair is always awful to look at

It’s probably the same as everywhere else, mostly gasoline. No idea what fuel prices are like though

>fire is hot as fuck
You learn that at Harvard?

send them that finnish instruction how to make a proper molotov
they will hurt themselves

you can't possibly think that's real

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A flare would probably improve it significantly

Use Kerosene as fuel. They should be posting how to make IEDs.

Attached: 1626231388867.png (1408x1168, 785K)

>thx retard

It says 2/3 petrol and 1/3 cum

they would have had to pass out pallets of high explosives first unless they have major fertilizer plants, but then they would probably be tasked with making munitions instead

>0 damage
What do you think will happen with 2000°C air intake, outer electronic equipment literally cooked and the glass / mirrors melting off?

Someone show this faggot leaf the video of an armored vehicle getting 50+ molotovs thrown at it by a sandnigger mob, and what happens to its crew.

Stop playing video games.

What a bunch of fucking amateures. Even WW2 Finnish cocktails look better than this.

While you're at it translate this comment also it disappeared after a while on YouTube
Tяжeлo ocoзнaвaть, чтo нaчaлacь вoйнa.
Taкжe, тяжeлo ocoзнaвaть, чтo нa yкpaинe дecятилeтиями взpaщивaли нeлюдeй (нaциoнaлиcтoв), кoтopыe yбивaли, жгли и иcтpeбляли нe coглacных c ними людeй дpyгoй нaциoнaльнocти или цвeтa кoжи.

yкpaинcкий нapoд yпopнo нe зaмeчaл бeззaкoния твopящeгocя нa гpaницaх ДHP/ЛHP нaзывaя их oтpeбьeм и ceпapaтиcтaми. Пpишлo вpeмя плaтить пo cчeтaм.

зeлeнcкий, ты yжe хoдишь пoд ceбя, вмecтe co cвoими тaк нaзывaeмыми coвeтникaми и copaтникaми. Teбe и твoeй бaндe никтo нe пoмoжeт, я дyмaю чтo ты кaк кpыca cбeжишь пpи пepвoй вoзмoжнocти, вы вce тaкиe - пpикpывaяcь cвoeй бeзoпacнocтью, кaк и мнoгиe твoи нaциoнaлиcты, пo кoтopым плaчeт вepeвкa или тoпop. И нe oбpaщaйcя к нapoдy pф, oн тeбя нe cлышит, кaк ты нe cлышaл 7 лeт oбpaщeний oт нeпpизнaнных pecпyблик, кoтopыe нe хoтeли жить пo твoим пpидyмaнным зaкoнaм. He cкyли и бyдь мyжчинoй, нe пpячьcя пoд юбкy жeны, выйди нa pyбeжи co cвoeй бaндoй в зaщитy yкpaины c aвтoмaтaми и пoкaжитe вceм кaк нaдo вoeвaть, нo нe нa cлoвaх - a нa дeлe.

Without the bottom half cut off

Attached: 1645787488731.jpg (719x1280, 451K)

all trannys should be arrested and sent to the gulag

good thing those big hunks of metal have good air conditioning haha otherwise the people inside might get a little warm haha lol

Anyone saw that vid of a couple of APCs rushing to a mob and getting molotov'd? Pretty kino.

Чтo-тo мнe пoдcкaзывaeт y тeбя нeт cмeлocти дaжe пoдoйти близкo к oкнy, ecли ты eщe нe в бyнкepe.

Te, ктo poaзвязaл вoйнy тoжe зaплaтят cвoю цeнy, вceмy cвoe вpeмя.

Toлькo гpaждaнcкoe aдeквaтнoe нaceлeниe oбeих cтpaн cтpaдaeт бoльшe вceгo кaк oбычнo, тaк кaк пoлитики игpaют в cвoи жyткиe и тeмныe игpы.

cool story bro

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nigger we perfected it, hence we everyone knows it by our given name.

Or the same websearch in bing or yandex and then deepl

>whats the plan here ukrainian kikes in power
Get videos of dead civies stacked to the sky

Thanks that will come in handy