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Its the truth

Why does this map have Tasmania

These are the only countries that matter

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sorry, no that's this map

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For faggots

I agree these are the countries where you can get away with sucking the msot cock in public.

>the only countries that have actual humans living in them

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Niggas be like

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Do rapefugees honestly believe Africa or South America has “community?”

hearty kek. God bless you brother.

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That can't be it though because it's got some that don't matter.

Reminder: Racism is living PROOF the human form is SHIT.
How can you brag about yourselves when you can not even stand yourselves?
How can you call yourselves beautiful when you need to slather on inches of paint? How can you adore the human form when you need to break and reshape parts of it to make it "work" e.g plastic surgery?

Humans are ugly, insecure, insane, ratpeople, who live lives of delusions and cope.
Your mere existence is sad.
You're all just animals with iq's!
The difference between a ratperson, and a rat, is the ratperson knows how much they're suffering deep down.

You can NOT refute a thing I said.

You CAN, however, kill yourself. Which you will all do anyway, soon enough.

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Is that a map of sea level rise?
BRB nuking antarctica right now

Oh look, it's ALL the countries that matter
Seethe more, third worlders

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but Poland is on there

>spic opinion

because i'm gonna come over for a party bruce.

Poland was important enough for world war to start so idk

The feels when those wiggas represent more than 50% of the global economy and everything removed on this map (except for China) is irrelevant at a global scale.

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