Ukraine "Friendly Fire Incident"

What the hell happened here?

>video starts with ukranian (or at least without russian markings) transport truck driving fast through Kiev? while getting shot at from multiple sides
>truck seems to get out of control, go off the road and then stop
>someone looking to be wounded climbs out of the trunk and falls beside truck
>as he falls he pulls away the covering on the back of the truck and reveals it was carrying an artillery piece
>ukranian solider gets close and fires upon driver and person on ground
>civilians filming video from their apartment confused about who is on which side
>ukranian APC driving quickly over very fast to provide support?
>seems to drift on the road, briefly lose control and run over random civilian car
>or could have intentionally tried to run over civilian car for some reason
>video cuts to aftermath, both trunk solider and driver of truck were wearing ukranian uniforms
>civilian in crushed car seems fine
>cuts to close up of after

What the hell was that about? Why were multiple ukrainians attacking a transport truck obviously marked as their own? I doubt it was just accidental friendly fire. My theories: defectors or undercover russians in ukranian uniforms were trying to escape on the truck, and perhaps to also steal the artillery piece. What do you think?

Attached: (2340x1080, 496.14K)

im sleepy
i miss the honking

There were threads yesterday. Allegedly some russians dressed as ukrainians and drove off with one of the vehicles.

false flag attacks are azovs main job

Attached: 1645692630780.jpg (786x959, 280.59K)

Oh the driver was a russian saboteur who has been stealing ukrainian trucks. They chased him down and arrested him but yeah they shot at him first

>Allegedly some russians dressed as ukrainians and drove off with one of the vehicles.

Attached: 9c7.jpg (679x376, 61.73K)

This is fucking retarded and false. Mob of scared and trigger happy Ukrainian civilians who had just been giving full auto AKs after never holding a gun before saw a convoy of Ukrainian military heading back into Kiev from the frontlines and they shot the absolute fuck out of all of them. One truck drove off to the side and guy falls out dying, the troop transport lost control and hit a civilian car

>writting a essay on this shit

No it was ukrainians dressed as russians dressed as ukrainians.

They thought they were being invaded by russians, that's why they all started shooting and by the time they realized they weren't russians it was too late

That doesn't explain the Ukrainian soldier's actions on the side of the civilians.

which actions?

It's almost as if giving undisciplined frightened civilians automatic weapons, and then telling them the country is full of enemies wearing your uniforms, was a really really stupid idea lmao

This is what I was thinking as well.
It wasn't just civilians there was at least one solider firing on the truck. It also looks like the APC was stop the truck and cut it off. I highly doubt every single one of them all forgot that all russian trucks are marked with a Z, even ask the ukranian civilians know that by now.

Not if you want frame russia as the bad guy when the jew president falls

This was in the middle of the city with no other fighting around. The theory that the civilians and soliders say an obvious ukranian truck got spooked and started shooting at it for no reason makes no sense. Why didn't any of them shoot at the apc then? Wouldn't they think they are working together?

will my bank account be shut down for donating

I dunno man, panic happens among trained army units which leads to a whole bunch of shooting. Terrified civilians with guns is a surefire recipe for nonsensical tragedy

This I think might be right, which breaks my heart. They're actually trying to get the civilian body count up

They were shooting at both of them, the truck and the tracked troop transport. That's why the truck veered off and dying guy fell out, and transport was steering all over the road in a panic and lost control while drifting

They were Russian saboteurs. There is a video of them literally looting the bodies and checking IDs, they were Russian schizo faggot FUCKING NIGGER!!!EJ@@!!!!!!!!

Post it or it didn't happen