Russia will keep invading westwards and all of Europe will fall

I cant wait for cute white women to seek refugee status to my country and mass breed them

Attached: 1645782770887.jpg (499x512, 30.25K)

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Fuck globohomo.

good morning sirs

do u need Java instructor??? sirs???

I think even if western Europe were nuked it would still be a more desirable place to live than India.

If only rajeed if only

ahahahhahahah man, poos sure are tripping balls today, you really think a women will willingly breed you?

Lol he thinks 'global leaders' will rest while there are still white women alive. Their total indifference to the attack on a white country has exposed them. If some random brown people who hate us had been attacked we'd be at war right now to defend them


based poo

Good morning based sir!

I can't wait for them to pop through Alaska and liberate America from globohomo. Godspeed Putin.

pleased to be good morning

Yuck, why are we mixing with other races ?
not based at all...
For me brown women > white ~ asian > negroes

Based. God Strafe England

You people are going to undermine the sanctions for FERTILIZER of all things. Just change your designated shitting streets for the designating shitting fields.

Attached: indiasuperpower1.jpg (326x245, 30.15K)

Why would anyone want to seek refugee in India?

All your women are here being used as sex slaves by me


good morning fallow aryans

Attached: 1527978203918.png (776x1065, 301.79K)

By rooting for another globalism?

to redeem

I'm sorry user

Not everyone has a nuke.

I'm an anglo southerner I just felt like saying good morning


Nobodies coming to India lol, all to America.

Attached: OIP (84).jpg (474x266, 26.52K)

You're a 1/4th Abo pretender Indo-Europeans mass raped your ancestors.

Attached: Aryan face.jpg (727x466, 93.58K)

Nuking India itself would be more eco-friendly than letting Poo's fester the land too

I would take a million fucking smelly indians who talk funny over niggers, chinks, mudslimes, jews etc.
They just keep to themselves and are idiots.


even if indian men were the last on earth girls would just go lesbian like in prison


Attached: starfire is going to india.png (1901x933, 196.8K)

Good morning sir, have a nice poo

Timestamp with nipples now that pic could be fake

one of my good friends is indians and he has sex with white girls but he's also very charismatic and manipulative so hang in there kitty

Your country won't exist once Russia dies from a NATO war :)
Finally no more telemarketers trying to sell me health insurance scams