Every minute Russia delays more and more deadly expensive weapons and ammunition...

Every minute Russia delays more and more deadly expensive weapons and ammunition, Javelins and NLAWS and MAAWS from the EU are arriving, how do they expect to push deep into Ukraine with all this equipment moving to the front?

Attached: 54654281-10550583-image-a-144_1645804004587.jpg (962x680, 101.62K)

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They have the father of all bombs

>supplying weapons so the russkies have to increase their efforts and destroy more of the infrastructure and kill more civilians

Why is EU so evil? The outcome is known the moment Russia attacked. Dying for the sake of dying is retarded.

Maybe thats the plan. They get free weapons.

They do that they will become north korea tier, probably even worse. The optics are already horrible.

Are you retarded?

You think UK should have rolled over and died?

You win and maintain independence by fighting no matter the odds.

user they need to get them to keiv somehow don't they

>brb defeating your javelin with 30 dollars of steel fencing

Attached: 1645769199723.jpg (2048x1365, 441.66K)

user their is no way the Russians don't win

okay but can it destroy THE ENTIRE WORLD because that is who that dumb faggot is pissing off at this point. and its not like globohomo leaders give 2 shits what russian does to who but rather to secure their seats they will send poorfags to kill and be killed as well use their ultimate weapons shitty or lategen as they may be.

Any source on the effectiveness?
Can see it working, but the the javelins penetration is very good, though dont know much about them desu.
Would really like to see more "real" fighting videos/records, though what is happening is of course, unironically horrible it is still very interesting to see two modern armies fighting.

Umraine is an anchor to tie up the wests military so when China attacks Taiwan in april they wont have as much to worry about. Putin wants to go slow and drag this out a bit.

javelin has a tandem heat warhead, when the fencing is struck the first payload will deploy, second payload will just hit the armor with fire. the first payload is designed to punch through armor plate and the second sends fire into the hole.

>Javelins and NLAWS and MAAWS from the EU are arriving

Attached: 8763942765768.jpg (1280x720, 207.5K)

Putler is waiting to see if they are trully willing to negotiate or just larping in order to gain time to consolidate their positions and morale.

Attached: 1612040459602.png (750x750, 1.02M)

>why is the EU evil
>just let use bomb the fuck out of innocent people and take their shit
Fuck off, that's like me defending Bush invading Iraq.

those exist to protect tank from total destruction not crew from death,
yes javelin will not pierce the armour,
it does not have to , explosion alone will make inside armour springles that is as deadly as granade , at best, at worst top armor will crack open

they wont advance on lviv, thats where all this shit will be going they cant send it to kiev right now they have other important engagements

>if the overwhelming enemy kills you, you win

you are retarded m8

Are there any practical examples of it working/not working, seems like it should work, but well enough?

Iraq/Afghanistan. Designed to defeat single and tandem heat RPG rounds.

Attached: armour.jpg (750x600, 221.36K)

never heard of a spall liner?

Source on this Queen?

thinking that cage is for RPG's not anti-tank, the tandem warhead would mess everyone up inside with light armour

How can you expect this equipment making it to the front?

Omg , they should just go home !
You faggot globhomo nigger shill
Your next , door to door killing you faggot jews

The cities that inflicted heavy casualties on the Mongols might disagree with you.

How is that water bottle not falling off?

It’s what Jews do

Know of the side cages buy do they also work against modern weaponry rockets?
Of course a light vehicle would be fucked but on a heavier tank.

I heard Biden is only committing $250 mil in aid. It's a lot sure, but not nearly enough to make a difference.

imagine believing this

Attached: 1645832616775.webm (288x640, 1.07M)

shitty video, same concept
rpg HEAT is for anti-tank, example here
a javelin is just a laser guided heat round that has a different agle of attack.

Yes they work on RPGs


Attached: magnets-how-do-they-work-gif-1.gif (499x281, 162.81K)

Every minute, a Ruskie gets a shiny new JAVELIN, NLAW or night vision equipment abandoned or sold by the Ukrops.

Attached: 1645839893471.webm (640x410, 2.92M)

lol the situation is very serious, and US is not letting Ukrainians know what Putin is trying to do...
they are arguing in dumas what would happen if Ukraine is nuked with 5-10 megaton weapon to spark global dialogue on denuclearization. The madlad is saying chernobyl was a precursor and it was quickly contianed