I used to think Putin was a bad ass

But sorry Zelenskyy is a bad ass. While Putin sits behind his desk rambling like a crazy person, this man is on the front line asking for bullets.

Putin got soft.

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die fucking jew puppet die

nato cringe get the fuck off my board

putinbros… h-he can’t keep mocking us like this forever…

Putin is an emperor, this guy is a young and up and comer. I do admire the bravado, just not sure if he's any match for the Putler.

Don't worry. Putin will die soon.

Tell me about Zelensky, why does he not carry a rifle?

on the front lines because hes surrounded lmao you shills are not only pathetic but retarded as well

Then why is ZELENSKY still afraid of Covid? Imagine being so cucked that you have to wear a paper mask in wartime.

FPBP he's probably not even in Ukraine


you know what they say, "youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery"

he's literally a globohomo puppet who was an actor. you're a complete faggot for falling for a slav trudeau

You must be new. I swear this board gets worse by the month.

Who the fuck thinks 5 feet tall manlet was ever "badass"?

The guy fills himself with botox and loves multiculturalism like a wealthy jewish housewife

>nato cringe get the fuck off my board

Igor get the fuck out of my internet

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He posted from the center of Kiev 15 minutes ago twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1497450853380280320

Meanwhile Putin is hiding in a palace somewhere in Moscow, but he's the based one

He's a jew. You know he bailed at the first sign of trouble all while ordering his loyal goyim to run off and die for him.

Imagine wearing a coof mask while under immediate threat of Russian invasion wow.

Imagine falling for such a photo-ops

>Russians outside his house, ready to 7.62 his ass in half. Putin, sipping on chilled vodka laughing. Why the fuck would Putin need to be in Ukraine on the front lines?

>someone get me a Columbia Omni-Tech™ jacket in camo colour for my photoshoot

Checks out

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weird because theres livestreams of Ukraine cities showing Ukrainians just doing their daily morning walk very relaxed

Based. I heard earlier he met with the Ghost of Kyiv herself. God bless both of them for every r*ssian dog they put down.

Putin spent his early adulthood as a kgb agent, this kike was a comedian that did porn and showed his dick on tv as a routine.
>Actor stages a photoshoot

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do wedding rings go on the middle finger in slavic culture?

cause his not a Lukashenko-tier clown and keeps it real

"Globohomo" literally means nothing.

Seethe leaf. La Chaim!

all they have is propaganda.

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>I used to think Putin was a bad ass.
you probably thought the same about Trump. Next time just listen to the left, they always know better than you

I’m not kidding, did you see the Putin speech tonight? His face was all swollen and he just rambled. He is usually a beast.

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>But sorry Zelenskyy is a bad ass. While Putin sits behind his desk rambling like a crazy person, this man is on the front line asking for bullets.

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such a badass, what a masculine guy

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He leads his country from the front, not from behind a desk like a clerk managing cargo 200 shipments.

>putin hides in moscow while Zelensky fights on the ground
putin is a coward just like his supporters

But but Putin said he was a nazi??! Fuck off tard.

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He's a LARPer and a fool, but you know I still respect his resolve.

Jewtins supporters aren't even real, they're just VPN jewbots.
>hurr we need to fight globohomo by bombing right wing nationalist Any Forumslacks

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>He's a LARPer
how? hes the most genuine person in government ive ever seen besides bernie Sanders and AOC

FPBP no more comments


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We are talking about Putin growing bitch tits and you bring up trump? Get the fuck out of my thread.


Is that all it takes for Whites to become race traitors to see a Jew in camo?

lmao he's like Baron Harkonnen

He's making the situation worse by handing out AKs to random untrained weirdos and importing NATO weapons. If I were Russia I would just air strike him.