She was picked because of her qualifications, not her race and gender

She was picked because of her qualifications, not her race and gender.

Get over it, chuds.

Attached: 9F035173-6E17-45F1-BFAA-400E20D29DD1.jpg (398x470, 18.98K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally just a black version of the ginger

What qualifications? Who the fuck is this?
And I remember that Biden was saying he was going to appoint someone and she needed to a woman and black. To some position.
This it? Because Biden SAID IT.
So....yea I'm assuming she was hired because of her race and gender because Biden said he was going to appoint a black woman to some position months ago I just don't remember what.
That's before they'd even selected anyone.
So yea it's certainly because of race and gender because Biden fucking stated that shit out loud.

This government won't exist in a decade, so it's not like it matters at all.

She literally was not picked for her qualifications, he even said she was picked just for her race and gender, nothing else.

>She was picked because of her qualifications, not her race and gender.

>Get over it, chuds.

I like this meme

Attached: 1629133124337.png (604x737, 468.53K)

>biden promises to pick a black woman
>list of contenders comes out, all black women
>black woman nominated
>but she wasn't picked because of her race and gender

Attached: 1608169014704.gif (600x338, 1.35M)

This it?


Biden never said it. If it was true (it wasn’t) you’ll be able to provide a trustworthy source from CNN or The Young Turks, newsflash, you won’t.
Even recorded dialogs of Biden saying it are fake news and conspiracy theories, check you facts again.

be wise, revise.

I don't know much about her, but I listened to the speech she gave today and it didn't give me a very good first impression. We'll see how the senate votes I guess


just like he did with kameltoe harris

> Biden never said it.
See Yea he did. I just fucking proved it.
Look I'll do it again.
You done kike? I can post more news stories about him SAYING EXACTLY THAT.

Illegitimate president. Illegitimate Supreme Court. This government should be overthrown.

That's a nigga.

The Singularity.

(the singularity is black, because math)

Attached: 1320529223886.jpg (363x310, 33.34K)

You want more you sad little gas lighting inbred jew freak?


Fake news.

I’m sending this to Snoopes and fact-checking agencies right on this instant.

You receive scrutiny for you conspiracy comments, I recommend erasing them.

She was chosen because she's a negress and because of her name - KBJ is supposed to be the new RBG

Lol biden has voted against black suprene court justices every time he had a chance.

*in Kramer's voice*

Attached: slapnuts.gif (600x338, 2.43M)

Biden said “I’m going to nominate a negress” and he done it woo. America #1

>I’m sending this to Snoopes and fact-checking agencies right on this instant.
> You receive scrutiny for you conspiracy comments, I recommend erasing them.
No. This is an anonymous board you fucking retard. And even if it wasn't non of us would fucking care.
Also Biden said he was going to appoint a black woman long before anyone was chosen.
Here's a video of him saying it.

Pretty sure Joe "shit myself" Biden said the opposite of that

This is really not good. That wise Latina is actually a moron, and this lady isn’t promising.

It’s not a joke. You are supposed to have legal minds of the highest caliber, and people of the highest integrity…instead you are getting emotional midwits. It doesn’t bode well for the future. All the institutions are cratering.

Why don’t you suck my balls

Then why weren't her qualification a central point of her appointment, rather than her skin color and her genitalia?

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