Please succinctly explain to me what the fuck is happening now - preferably in haiku format

Please succinctly explain to me what the fuck is happening now - preferably in haiku format

Attached: 5D682E9A-2377-4DB6-B171-BFBC019D90D9.jpg (218x250, 3.38K)

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Same old
Enemies make war
We lose

Really because it sounds different :P

Sometimes mistakes made
Beautiful results are found
Oh well, c'est la vie

I don’t get it, why did you say that the NES is a bad system? It’s better than the Mega System for its cool games like Karate Kid.

psyop fren, all its a fucking lie

Covid is over
Senile war begun
I cum blood

>gigatrans internet blocked

the white nigger
fights a war
against himself

Literally no one fucking knows and it's really freaking me out. Is it fake? Is it a COVID cover up? Is it legit? Literally you can't trust anything everyone has an agenda and is moving shit around. Just make it up for yourself it's just as reliable as anything else at this point

Attached: transendsources.jpg (974x1327, 117.18K)


Seek medical help
When manhood bleeds copious
Venereal sneeze

The truth is coming out about vaccines so the globalists who convinced most of the world to slowly kill themselves with lies are overriding the news cycle with more bullshit to cover it up.

The bear
Has left his cave
For ever

Sneed's Feed n Sneed
Now Chuck's
Suck n Fuck

Conspiracy theorists aka truth seekers leave no stone unturned

As far as researching and all this is already known…
The world is run by people who side with evil and follow orders through a pyramid hierarchy and in return they are paid through fame, money and power

On the other side is the mysterious and unknown ufos that are watching and monitoring the situation closely

That’s all most theorist and seekers know

Until the ufos decide for disclosure on a global level, it looks as if we are heading into WW3

The best you can do is hope…
Hope that there is good out there
Or else evil will win

That’s all

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Based based based based based
Based based based based based based based
Based based based based based

A haiku by user.

long nose tribe again
cave calm but for long nose tribe
it all so tiresome

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 42.37K)

Are you sure?
Is that what’s really happening?
What happens after?

Backstory apocalypse
For endless future torment
Kikes always to blame

The jew burns it all
Bear leaves its cave forever
The rod and ring strike