What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: 300px-Montana_in_United_States.svg.png (300x186, 34.83K)

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bison things


Whole lotta truck and SUV commercials.

I went there just once. It was amazing 8 years ago but I would bet the cities are more crowded now. Crazy landscape, so much space. Huge sky. Very comfy.

californians, spics, and feather niggers.

Nothing. Keep the fuck out.

Attached: 1645799856402.jpg (282x425, 41.67K)

it became unlivable ~5 years ago. its only gotten worse since.

Californians complain about the cold, flat, dreary, affordable, mostly white hellscape

Fake place doesn't exist

billionaires buying off law enforcement to run underground sex bunkers

People from Wyoming go there to buy groceries and weed.

400k for 800sq foot houses in every major town happen there.

Injuns get drunk and abduct white women

Looks like a face

Bozeman/Missoula/Whitefish have become trendy and overpriced. The rest of the state is fine if you’re cool with cold weather and rural life. Thought of moving out there when younger but it doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

Indians and nukes

I barely see any of those, you filthy Canadian liar.
yes, influx of them apparently.
don’t know much about that, but native Americans are here where I am and the neighborhood became messy when they moved in

spics were flooded into bozeman and belgrade.

super expensive overpriced houses

>and nukes
...so....is it super safe or super dangerous now?