The sheer amount of utterly unbelievable western propaganda floating around atm is very shocking

The sheer amount of utterly unbelievable western propaganda floating around atm is very shocking.

It really makes you think about how much of what we “know” about the past was just total fabrication.

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I know what you mean brother who knows what's real with these homos at the wheel

take off the memeflag faggot

At least here we can see from both sides instead of totally biased “opinions” from western media

History is written by the winners

Currently being written by loud losers

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>It really makes you think about how much of what we “know” about the past was just total fabrication.
You new? Lurk 2 years.

Problem these cya niggers have is memory.


Fuck off Ivan

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nigger sneed

I’ve already accepted that noting is real, I’m just enjoying the show now

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Пpoпaгaндa бeздapных кpeмлeбoтoв нa мнoгo бoлee зaмeтнa. К cтaти, я пpизывaю вceх pyccкoязычных aнoнoв oтвeчaть в лaхтoтpeдaх нa pyccкoм языкe чтoбы oни cpaзy пoняли чтo нa нac их пиздeж нe пoдeйcтвyeт.

Kys like uncle jason

shut up gook

Yeah, I don't know if it still looks that way but I looked at l*dd*t this morning and everything they were saying pretty much made it sound like Ukraine was holding the line, which uhhhhh

It’s ALWAYS been this way. This is the only time in human history IT HASN’T been a total fabrication. In the times of empires and kings no peasants knew why the kings men marched. Even in Democrat times only literate elites knew the truth of matters. This is the first time in human history any person can learn the truth on their own and it’s incredibly dangerous to our democracy.

No one really knows what is happening in Ukraine today with millions of phones ready to record high definition video at any moment. Imagine how twisted the narrative from 80 years ago during WW2 when all records of world war events are in the hands of government and media propaganda

The propaganda around war is always extreme

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not only was it always like this, it's very likely that the average goy was aware of the majority of the bullshit back then as well.

Not like that's gonna stop your leader from declaring a draft and ordering the police to take you away to die in a frozen field in some european shithole kek

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>if it isnt pro-putin its propaganda
Why is it all the anti-western shills like op are here on an English speaking site.

Fuck off, Ivan. Go die in a foxhole, you democracy destroying son of a bitch.

>It really makes you think about how much of what we “know” about the past was just total fabrication.
For your information almost all of the past is fabricated.

based plumber

is that George Bush's mouth
>t. Jeb

how is St. Petersburg?

Reminds me of the 2016 presidential election. The media constantly blasted messaging indicating that Hillary's victory was guaranteed and that Trump stood absolutely no chance of winning. Then I woke up the morning after the election and it was as if a miracle had occurred: The media had been lying, and it had been pervasive.

Our girl marina is #ukraine frfr

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The people need to take back their existence. No more leaders. No more hollywood. No more state run propaganda. Term limits for every politician .

no kidding

Remember the fake Nariyah testimony that the media kept playing back in 1990 to justify the first Iraq war?

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Why the FUCK is it always the fucking jews?

Satanic Frankist Jewess is against Putin’s Christian Russia.

did I happen to survive the dimensional merge? wtf os going on frens?

rule of thumb:
>if it's bad, jews are behind it.

First war?