This is the most boring “war” i have ever fucking seen

This is the most boring “war” i have ever fucking seen
When are the MOABs or nukes gonna start dropping?

Attached: 0319DA9B-5822-44C7-9170-D3A4D05EE99F.jpg (632x615, 174.36K)

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>1 post by this ID

>British flag

>be OP
>low IQ zoomer raised with instant gratification on google
>war happens
>2 days pass "This is the most boring “war” i have ever fucking seen"

>literally british

Attached: 1573471503916.gif (320x240, 179.93K)

Iraq war there was footage on all night of us bombing their huts.

Infowars has some decent vids. The Russians aren't trying to make a Hollywood show and US is blocking most raw footage and not translating anything

Cause thats a war we wanted

I remember that first night of bombing Sat up with my parens watching. Oddly kino in hindsight.

What a faggot, you are

Only for you, Dimples.

This is how in felt in 2014 too. Nothing but grave concerns and boredom. The shilling was like 10000x worse though.

salam my uk brother

>1 post by this ID
(you dont know how Any Forums works, dont you)

war is slow you fucking dolt

Same, yawn... I'm gonna keep minding my business and stop giving attention to this Rothschild circus. Later, dorks.

38.8495° N, 119.7889° E
Zed Niner Niner

your still here you will never leave

Putin is the hero the Christian people need. May God bless Putin in Jesus name

Attached: Allow Jesus to wash away your sins.jpg (720x1298, 149.71K)

All we've seen is boring bombs, why do you want more? This war needs more infantry kino.

Im hoping for full scale nuclear war