Dear Putin supporters: why do you hate white children so much?

Dear Putin supporters: why do you hate white children so much?

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Why didn't Zelensky just remain neutral and not talk about nukes?

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ukrainians aren't white
they aren't humans either.

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>just girls
>the boys got all drafted
fuck that's sad

the real tragedy is ukraine is only 2% fully boosted so chances are most of those poor kids are going to die anyways

They should've been evacuated sooner. 3 weeks was when the first rumors of war came out. A week before anything happened, politicians were leaving. 72 hours before and headlines of the elderly, women, and children were evacuating. We'll gladly take them and the rest of the Ukrainian migrants in America though.

They're closest to human than rushitans are.

Putin has no right to invade ukrainian soil

Putin said himself that he sees himself as an Antifa who wants to kill all Nazis. And since Jews like Putin see all White children as potential Nazis, the conclusion is pretty clear. No wonder he unleashed Muslim rape squads on Ukraine.

>actually believing the face virus
kys leftist.

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They should be resettled into Urban black neighborhoods for safety nd enrichment

Under Ukraine rule they grow up to pornstar or mail order brides, under Russian rule they were grow up to be respectable mothers to propagate the nation

I hate them because they born.

Putins gay man
Let me explain how Putin is such a fag.
In 2000, I thought Putin was pretty cool.
He was making Russia better than the gulagistan USSR, and I thought he was an ally to economic prosperity worldwide.
When Medvedev took over, only for Putin to be shadow czar, people noticed and had serious questions about it. Putin and his friends were too powerful, and Pussy Riot et al. was right to call him out on it.
After BP and Russia had a falling out over corruption in 2011, people had questions about Putin the faggot.
In 2012, Russia voted against Putin.
He said their votes didnt count.
People all over Russia protested. Thousands are still in jail.
When Ed Snowden defected in 2014 with literally all of the United States secrets to Russia, Putin saw it as a golden opportunity to be top dog of shit mountain, meaning he doesnt care if the world sucks, Putin just wants to rule it. Hes gay.
In 2014 he had the Sochi olympics and used it as a power play to take Crimea next door from Ukraine because Yanukovich was Putins crony and the Ukranian people voted him out.
Russia does not have a warm water port, so having a black sea penninsula would help Putin project naval power.

Putin is so gay he shot down MH-17 on july 17 2014, a passenger airline, killing 300 civilians, during the invasion, very well documented.

Since then, Putin has employed thousands of people to post on Any Forums and other sites to propagandize his reign as a good thing. Unsuccessfully.
Good People of Russia have continued to protest him, and Navalny has lead that opposition.
Putin tried to poisin Navalny unsuccessfully.
Navalny is in prision now because he nor anyone else fears Putin.
When Putin dies this year, maybe tomorrow, Russia will move forward and become a good country free of shit. And nothing Putin can say about this matters.

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that's rich coming from the same fuckers that worship niggers like americans

yes he does because ukraine is western russia.

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the president of Ukraine is a literal kike, retard. He's trolling.

guys i ordered stuff from russia a week ago, is this shit still gonna ship or is my money just gone?

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look at this jewish kike larp. you are not white and neither is ukraine. go take your nigger worshiping ass somewhere else jew memeflag!

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Don't be like this user, no need to be a faggot.

They're mad because the thought of White cunny gives them urges to get their own Aisha

Hey, it's war, baby. What are ya gonna do?

They voted for jews. They are race traitors. I hope every single one of them gets killed in the invasion. They brought it upon themselves

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how homophobic of you mutt. i thought your land was for piece and tolerance. complete and utter hypocrisy.

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Those little white racist brats need to be denazified!

>defending your cousin Mahmoudevich
At least you have some kind of honor, I'll grant that

Cute cunny

>let me tell you what countries are white

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>Ukraine is not White
>But Russia is
This is a level of schizophrenia I didn't think was possible.

Pedo scum

These women are just waiting to be liberated by russian cock

What will those chechen fellas do when they reach these girls?

no one cares about whites
hey niggers this is the privilege that we have
no one cares about us

What do you care, junglenigger?

Six million gassed already. Sad. When will Congress declare war!

unironically based. im glad ukraine isn't getting any actual militant support because america's tranny militants would get torn to shreds.

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Drop dead.

#4 is angelical

Just little whores for the Bidens to sniff.

Great, cunnies on shelves.

Can I pick them up?

Russian missiles have not harmed a single Ukrainian child or senior citizen.

I know this because if they had, a photo of the dead body or wounded child would be on the front of every western newspaper right now.

Russia winning would be the best thing for the children in Ukraine. End of Story.
Why do you support Ukraine? Why don't you think of the children?

It's not an invasion, it's a peacekeeping operation

Your shit tier shilling makes me think Putin might right.


imagine the smell


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Look at America's demographics and ask Zelenksy that.