We overestimated Russia

I thought they had a decent military? This is so scooby doo shit here. If this was what my country gave me to assault another country I would straight up desert.

Attached: russianmilitary.jpg (638x420, 28.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I won't care about gay NATO/globohomo geopolitics until I can afford a house in my own country.
You FIVE EYES boomers and journalist minions have been so selfish in the way you have used institutions to your own benefit and the chickens have come home to roost.
Your fighting age men don't give a fuck about your wars anymore.
Try and convince the niggers and arabs and trannies and women that you value so much to go and die in Taiwan/Ukraine because I am sitting this one out.

Going to post this in every Ukraine thread until five eyes glowies and their journalist minions get it through their THICK FUCKING SKULLS.
You faggots can't even milk a cow or feed yourself in general and you expect us to spend the first 18 years of our lives getting brainwashed by globalist liberalism propaganda, then spend the next 10 years of our lives paying half our wages in rent and a quarter in taxes, and then expect us to love your globohomo project so much that we are willing to die for a country that is strategically important.

Attached: John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836–1893) November Moonlight - 1883.jpg (2000x1547, 1.14M)

Putin is the hero the Christian people need. May God bless Putin in Jesus name


Attached: Faith heals.jpg (717x795, 198.44K)

>another shill thread with that van pic

Those make sweet little overland rigs. Do want.

And the Germans used horses to haul shit in WW2. If it works, it works.


Attached: Putin Huggin a Jew.jpg (926x503, 59.38K)

move out of Sidney and buy a cheap house in a small town downie it's literally that simple

That's a medical supply van, retard, from a supply battalion convoy. It's not assaulting anything, it's literally carrying emergency supplies for the Russian soldiers fighting on the front lines.

stop being a poorfag

>I thought they had a decent military?
Since when did you think that?
The last time they fought a remotely equal partner they had help and still kept losing men constantly.
Truth of the matter is, NO military is decent anymore because the nuclear bomb made it so you only ever fight inbreds on camels or face extinction.

its called being smart. why use a big expensive gas guzzler when you don't need to? then you have more money for missles and ammo to kill ZOG with. russia has a huge, hyper effecient army that spends a tiny fraction of the ZOG army for close to the power.

Shut up, UAZ is cute

people fear russia because they have thousands of nukes, not because of their military

That's the RAPE VAN - THE BANG BROS BUS, you absolute stupid DUNCE.

His mother is jewish and so are his grandchildren

Rock that bitch till the wheels fall off

Attached: 1626949086776.gif (320x214, 2.12M)


That's why Assad still in power.
That's why Ukraine is about to cease to exist.
Because of nukes...

I had this as my wall paper for years

I laughed so hard at pic related

Attached: 878787.png (925x380, 378.6K)

>That's a medical supply van, retard, from a supply battalion convoy. It's not assaulting anything, it's literally carrying emergency supplies for the Russian soldiers fighting on the front lines.

Do you think this is an excuse? lol Compare to America’s medical log/utility vehicles.

Attached: JLTV_UTILITY-v2-1.jpg (876x588, 38.03K)

Brum brum brum

Attached: cycy.png (799x642, 526.76K)

Russia has already won the war.

Why are you telling me about my own country?
I live over 200km from the nearest city and I CAN'T AFFORD A FUCKING HOUSE CUNT
Realistically, I could afford a house but I would have to pay >3/4 of my wage towards it and I would never be able to pay it off.
or I could afford a place for

Attached: John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836–1893) A Lane In Headingley, Leeds - 1881.jpg (827x1000, 399.69K)

It's krokodil delivery

seethe and cope friend
I'm tired of 1st world CRACKERS complaining that they have to rent instead of owning a house like their boomer parenta
try living on 150 USD a month before you whine about living standards you sheltered gringo faggot

that's not paid for tho. it was "paid" for with borrowed money from the money printer go brrrrr...... though, have to say, the performance on that thing to resist eye-E-deez is superb compared to the HMMWV or MRAP.

>>another shill thread with that van pic
how sad it must be for you to realize Vlad the sad is not going to be able to pay your checks anymore.

>that's not paid for tho. it was "paid" for with borrowed money from the money printer go brrrrr...... though, have to say, the performance on that thing to resist eye-E-deez is superb compared to the HMMWV or MRAP.
who cares we got it nigga.

That's the battalion sausage van. He distributes the breakfast sausages to headquarters.