How fucked is Europe?

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Well Russia's economy is in the shitter. They've lost over a thousand troops.
The entire world is stepping on their necks
And you've been btfo for the 30th shill thread you made.
Do you tire of being a kike

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/leftypol/ is btfoing the russian bots today.

>on the bottom of this pic we can see the saviors of Europe and Christianity

You forgot Poland

Nato is dead, europe will realize this soon enough.


Lol still over a thousand troops. How long has the counter been stuck now? 4 days? 5 days?

Don't worry, Europe will be cleaned soon

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Which cities are BLM and Antfa looting or burning this week?

leftypol are the russian bots you spaz

>r u a kike
Says the guy who's supporting women in the military. Die and be ground to pieces by the superior Russian machine

>it doesnt includes that old polish politician
trash picture

Yeeeh haaawww
The west is finished. Time to bring about a Russian empire.

The Russian is a draft dodging mamas boy who got the post coz he's buddies with monke.

they aren't fucked. they're gonna get fixed.

soon you will be put in the gulag like the child touching fag you are.

only liberals and jews are defending jewkrane you amerimutt fuck

no they aren't. they're pro ukraine because the msm told them too. stupid r3dditor.

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>actually believing the Ukrainians are killing Russians
The only Russians they're killing are civilian Russian speakers who live in this true part of russia

imagine not knowing this is just a flex by america to put milfs in these positions in their satellite states

>this mutt cope

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thats liberals you twat

leftypol suck off china and russia because they're aren't american even though china and russia are bascially shitty civnat state captialists

Incels lose all wars.

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no they don't they literally cry about how "evil and cruel" china and russia are to lgbt and minorities. hence why they side with the pussy faggot nations like taiwan and ukraine. disgusting lolbertarian filth!

Attached: reddit neckbeard loves hong kong and taiwan.jpg (2048x2048, 418.7K)

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and most of those have NO KIDS...
> someday

these faggots are easy to spot..
have a shekel on me..

(you) working overtime faggot


nobody is fucking your tranny ass that's for sure.

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I literally wish women would just fuck off. I can’t stand hearing them say anything these days. Useless, pathetic creatures