Reminder that there is a huge communicational war going on right now

Don't believe everything you see you stupid fucking retard nigger. And I thought 1st worlders were smart

Attached: 1645811316360.png (391x864, 348.26K)

Good thread.
Shame it will be slid. Have a bump

I won't care about gay NATO/globohomo geopolitics until I can afford a house in my own country.
You FIVE EYES boomers and journalist minions have been so selfish in the way you have used institutions to your own benefit and the chickens have come home to roost.
Your fighting age men don't give a fuck about your wars anymore.
Try and convince the niggers and arabs and trannies and women that you value so much to go and die in Taiwan/Ukraine because I am sitting this one out.

Going to post this in every Ukraine thread until five eyes glowies and their journalist minions get it through their THICK FUCKING SKULLS.
You faggots can't even milk a cow or feed yourself in general and you expect us to spend the first 18 years of our lives getting brainwashed by globalist liberalism propaganda, then spend the next 10 years of our lives paying half our wages in rent and a quarter in taxes, and then expect us to love your globohomo project so much that we are willing to die for a country that is strategically important.

Attached: William Keith (1838-1911) Riders Beside a Sierra River - Oil on Canvas.jpg (2427x1440, 3.79M)

checked. kill all jews and zionists

and you're part of it

I could eat 8 hot pockets in one sitting.
What's your record?

All good threads get IMMEDIATELY autosaged, there are 3-4 operatives on autosage duty right now. They think that pol will bend to whatever is being pushed kek

If you want to go by flags. Just ignore all Pollack flags.

You should be well on the shitter by the 6th hot pocket though....

The net consumed hot pocket amount cannot ever surpass 6 user

why do I keep seeing that blue pinstripe tank top

You have to go back

Its the undershirt the Russian military wears you fucking stupid American living under a rock.

Attached: 1645750982530.gif (171x141, 911.05K)

I'm still waiting on something to happen to Kiev.

what do you think saging a thread does? lol
It just means your post doesn't bump the thread to the top.
People that post without saging still bump the thread.
Like this one

Attached: William Keith (1838-1911) Sunset Glow on Mt. Tamalpais - Oil on Canvas 1896.jpg (1910x939, 1.73M)

show flag

A lot of the stupidity is part of the noise being generated.
A huge aspect to what you're seeing is just white noise to jam the channels.

Correct, but there are also autosaged threads, where regardless of what you write, the thread will not bump.

How do I know it was autosaged? After a few tests, found that even when people write in agreement, it autosages.

This was in the morning though, im not sure if that's still going on rn though

Imagine dying for a Jewish President. Wow, Niggers really out where defending this.

This. In fact the only things I believe is 1. The invasion is indeed happening and 2. Biden is sending American border patrol to work at Poland's border.

The narrative is controlled by those with a horse in this race, namely NATO.
It is in their best interest to pain russia as losing badly, take every report with a grain of salt

Thanks for the heads up captain obvious faggot

Not everyone is bright as you are mr.european

I have seen this exact same post by a Poster using a Canadian Flag.

Russian glowies need to try harder kek

they're not. they're just rich on the backs of their grandparents

wow he pressed ctrl + C and ctrl + V
I'm impressed
Valuable post