When do you think nukes will start flying?

When do you think nukes will start flying?

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May Day

I've disabled Nukes for this world war 3.
No Cheat codes or ban.

I'm ready anytime L.F.G.

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When US joins in.

If Russia is cut off swift, you will see worse than nukes fly.
We may live to see man made horrors beyond out comprehension.

Literally never. They're fake.

A good way to tell is to monitor jews leaving the country. If they all start leaving at once... thats a good time to expect it

nukes arent real

God i hope we cut them out of swift.

You can chose three cities of your own country to be nuked, what are your picks lads ?

Just a hollywood production? Like a round earth?

Easy...Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver.


Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.

Paris, Paris and Paris again just to make sure

santiago, valparaiso and santiago again just to be sure

D.C., D.C. again, and wherever they buried MLK Jr.

Nukes have been around for decades, surely they must be hiding something even worse from us?

the fuck is worse than nukes?


>2 more weekd

quiet shitskin

London, Bradford, and wherever else Tony Blair happens to be standing


I would say San Fran but I live too close the fallout would probably fuck me up

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Covid was just batting practice, wash your hands and prepare your anus
>captcha AnotherRonaVirus'24

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Thanks user. You're doing god's work

Toronto twice and Ottawa

Sephardic jew and or mafia bro.....you are gay