Russia Turns Against Israel

Have the kikes miscalculated this?

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Gonna need more proofs than that.

Was this planned from the beginning?

Will Putin, Assad and Iran attack Israel?

Au contraire: They smell weakness

72 hours and they haven't been able to take over a single city in a forth world nation

without nukes ruskies are just another north korea, they exposed their asses with this pointless war

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Israel for last

>meme flag


hitler is putin.... putin is hitler. You asked for it boys and now here it is, feast your eyes on history as its being written.

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Every war in the last 350 years has turned out in Israel's favor.

If you want to be on the winning time, you do exactly what Israel does.

Ukraine shills jerking off over Azov on suicide watch. Any Forums is officially on Russia's side


Is fake.

its a US helmet

Absolutely not true.

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>Have the kikes miscalculated this?
No shit. And now the USA can't do anything about it or NATO.
Well done Jews. Derp derp inbred shit heads.

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Russia is jonesing for Iranian support. Too bad Iran is the WW2 Italy of the modern world.

Was waiting for this. Inevitable. Nazi reformists don't want to kill them, just send them far away from the civilized world or at least create safeguards so they can't abuse our weak systems of government any more.

Very based. If they take them out it would pretty much solve the world's problems

Ummm... but they do have nukes, and can use them if this really does go bad. Ukraine is fucked.

Hold still while I De-Nazify your post.

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The "Nazi's" in Ukraine that Putin wants to get rid of are financed by Israel. The Government of Ukraine is Israeli puppets. Israel and the West are one and the same, he supported Assad against the Western/Israeli coup attempt.
It only makes sense that he doesn't give a fuck about Israel.

Jews aren't all immune, but let's not forget the role the terrorist organization known as the WEF had in spreading and astroturfing this degeneracy so much.

>Klaus Schwab though he could tame the madman Putin
Total war against globohomo declared.

i mean neither Israel nor Palestine are legitimate

Its's official. Russia is legit finished as a power. It's another Iran or DPRK. Sanctioned, Isolated, with a decrepit stone age millitary :)

Bravo Putin 5D Chess :D

Not fake. Here he isn't wearing the Israeli one. It's quite easy to distinguish them.

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trump bro's ?

Every war since then hasn't been against nuclear powers that are adversarial to Israel.

Iran is not that at all, fren. They’ve been expanding their zones of influence for years at our expense, and Gulf Arab expense. I don’t think that’s WW2 Italy tier at all.

>The apprentice destroys the master
Just like in le heckin star wars!

They took over 20 cities in like 12 hours?

Because starting a war with a nearly invisible enemy embedded in the highest levels of the most powerful governments is a great idea

Especially when you're in the middle of another war.

Lol putin is going for broke! It's a bold move cotton we'll see how it plays out.

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No, but God did.
Read Ezekiel, chapter 38.
Iran (Persia to you newfags)

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Still gonna need those proofs tho.

Lmao look at that pint sized soldier in the back

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Sorry...missed the 'mis'
Reverse that.

They're basically letting them know that after they win the war, they won't forget who was talking shit

These redditors really don't understand the war. Russia is actively trying to limit civ casualties as much as possible. At a moment's notice, if needed, they can just turn Ukraine into Syria, which would be better for Putin than losing

that puddle of urine next to him confirms he is israely army so probably not fake


Fake news. Putin is a crypto kike.

>Russia dindunuffin Dey gudbois going to the community college n sheyit

If Russia invades/nukes Israel I will become a commie on the spot