I am fucking sick of America and Americans

Can you cunts just fucking stop for 5 seconds?
All each and every one of you does is spray the shit you heard from MSM all over Any Forums and it is fucking annoying.

I do not watch your MSM, I do not care about your politics and i fucking hate Israel.

This shit where you just consume MSM then spray that bullshit all over whatever social media while acting like it is your own opinion is exactly how you fuckheads ended up with a nickname like
You septic tanks do noting but consume shit until you are full enough to dribble that shit out of your overflow pipe and into another Seppo.

Fuck off you septic cunts, Go whinge and complain about whatever the fuck MSM told you to be angry about on twitter or something.

Attached: 1644306780927.gif (200x184, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:


how do you know what MSM is saying if you don't watch MSM

from listening to Americans, you dumb fuck

All i have to do is check the Any Forums catalog and i know everything MSM in America has been spewing out in the last 24 hours....

If someone would in front of me like that - raising the dust from the dirty ground, and splash out over my face, I would hit him in the face.

Attached: slap-come-here.gif (320x240, 976.43K)

Probably why you never get invited to Australian dance parties you spastic cunt.

Rent free

sorry i couldn't hear you behind your mask kek

Sorry what was that?
You will have to take that Israeli cock out of your mouth for me to be able to hear you proper?
Something about leaving a tip at birth for your Jewish doctor?

you can get up off your knee now

It's embarrassing, you will never hate Americans as much as I do

and you're foreskin free, mutt

Australians are so gay they eat hotdogs sideways to be ironic.

There are cringe americans and there are based americans.
We are currently embroiled in a civil culture war of our own.
The based americans LOATHE the MSM-parrotting cringe americans as much as you do.

link one post so i know what you're talking about because i have no fucking clue

Is this what the brain damage from leaving the tip of your penis for the Rabbi does to Seppos?
Sad stuff.

>Fuck off you septic cunts


Attached: latest[1].png (624x480, 147.53K)

The only decent aussie on the planet got yeeted by a fucking stingray. KYS.

Attached: 1631424384513.gif (370x208, 925.37K)

Weird how you say that while posting from a wifi connection that was invented by an Australian.

Attached: Australian battle flag.jpg (1000x536, 469.4K)

I thought Vic Hayes invented wifi?

You thought wrong, dummy

I'm gonna read up on this looks interesting. The Australian government sued over others using wifi?


Attached: 1645835388340.webm (480x576, 1.27M)

The CSIRO of Australia invented wifi in 1992 numbnuts.

Mutt retards can’t handle that australia invented everything and keep trying to challenge CSIRO

I do not give two shits about Jew vs Jew wars unless Israel gets nuked.
Fuck all kikes, disgusting race of people that mutilate baby dicks then suck them.

Attached: 1398110716215496019508614.jpg (800x557, 73.81K)

Get your guns back bogan.

Else you get the flu box for a two weeks.

Get back in your covid camp and take your 7th booster

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>puerco rican
fuckin island monkeys cant even form a coherent thought.

how is NASA going, now it's staffed by niggers?

What do you expect from Seppos who drink the gay frog water?
The CSIRO also proved that the chemical atrazine does turn frogs gay in the 90's and even invented a microbe that consumes atrazine in the environment because of it but the EPA in America knows better and
is now just a funny meme
Seppos are so SMRT!!!!

same. I hate americans and america

Attached: muttandmerchantandaryandisgust.jpg (902x1024, 260.19K)

What do you mean get my guns back?
Australians own over 4 million guns in 2022?
When our
>"Gun bans"
happened Australians owned about 2.9 million guns.
Guns have never and will never be illegal in Australia.

Attached: gunsales.jpg (1626x992, 162.13K)

Keep bitching loser, no American will go and die to defend your shithole from china

tl;dr seethe

Attached: 1645227475396.png (418x468, 39.93K)

Death to America.

>muh dick
seething in irrelevance

you'll do whatever the Israelis tell you to do, fat fuck

That is what i would expect a Seppo with brain damage from leaving a tip at birth to say.

>we did a thing once
yes that is why it is so tragic. Everyone knew America would consume and ultimately debase itself but, man you had an actual fighting chance and gave it all away.

You use Australian inventions every day Seppo, Imagine being so septic that your nation of 300+ million can't even invent anything anymore, you have to rely on fucking Australia.... A country that half arses every single thing it has ever been involved with for your new cutting edge technology.

Fucking sad America, Maybe you should write a gender study about how men in Australia are keeping women in America down with all their great inventions?