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not Mummy Tulsa?


I love Samoan-Pajeeta mommy. Imagine getting crushed by her thighs.

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I bet she loves it too

>Evidence is clear
>"Evidence" is a kike Opinion

Checks out by MSM standards.

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wef dropped her?

Well it's not fair that she's being used. I volunteer to be used by her so that she has some agency and control.

She's WEF.

Lmao. Lying jews and their holohoax.

What would you do if you found your head between her powerful thighs?

Attached: tulsigabbard_.jpg (907x2351, 492.41K)

Pray for sweet release from my suffering.

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I only want to procreate with women that have grey/green, or blue eyes.
Brown, soulless eyes are a turnoff for me.

eat my way to her heart

Attached: screenshot-www.weforum.org-2022.02.25-18_58_55.png (1471x839, 256.14K)

fake and gay

have you seen her twitter? She went full frontal russian whore.

If mommy sides with the Ruskies, then fuck Ukraine!

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Hawaii, not Oklahoma.

She’s an reserve army officer with an active clearance. This is straight up libel to say shit like this.

>being used by
as opposed to
>working for

i'm done with politics.
i prefer bullets because after the bleeding stops ,there's silence.

Eh, old article:

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Tulsi and Trump are both isolationists and the preferred Kremlin candidates.

She's a gun-grabber too.

Imagine living in a world where having an opinion about something makes you automatically a foreign agent.

fuck off nigger

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no one here cares about this war except some boomers and younger people trying to act like they can feel things

This is what Terminal TDS looks like.

>She's a gun-grabber too.

That part has never been a secret. She's no fan of the Second Amendment.

>everyone against globohomo is a Russian bot

Well I guess I'm gonna side with Russia now

Damn, did ol Vlady give her the BRC? Jealous

Opinion articles are cancer upon this nation

Tulsi is WEF young leader, and a disturbingly ugly and creepy bitch

>news being responsible for Yellow Journalism

*BLEEP*, *BLEEP*, I am Russian butt.