Why do liberal atheists display moral outrage at Russia's invasion of Ukraine if there is no objective right or wrong...

Why do liberal atheists display moral outrage at Russia's invasion of Ukraine if there is no objective right or wrong according to their worldview?

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Says the sandnigger, projecting.

group non cancel survival instinct

Because they impose their own views of right and wrong on the world and they have decided that some people are bad and others are good

There are no real atheists, they simply traded Christianity for another religion, liberalism

Because this is their God

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I suppose they don't realize that there is no rational basis for doing that. In other words, they are reacting emotionally.

The fuck are you talking about? I myself have a moral compass built into me via evolution, and the formation of "societies".

god I love Any Forums. You can always count on some dumb nigger to call someone a nigger or jew when they ask a "serious" question.

>rational basis
That is, according to their own worldview.

It's emotionality and emotionality mostly related to seeing selective evidence of what is bad and what is good. If you look at our government media, they show viewers good things about themselves and only bad things about the people in other countries that are at war with us. Programming

Liberals are not atheists, they are fiercely devoted to the new age religion of the narrative.

Nietzsche expresses here the rational conclusion regarding morals if atheism is true.

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>I need a sky wizard to hand me the entirety of my moral code and principles in a neatly packed dusty book on a silver platter. It's either that or nobody has morals at all.

You don't understand. If God does not exist, objective morality does not exist. Morals become mere subjective tastes and opinions. For example, you cannot objectively claim that a Big Mac tastes better than a Quarter Pounder.

their religion is universalist humanism.

Get a look at this pitiful bug

Christcucks are desperately trying to make threads because they can't stand that all the attention is focused on more serious matters. Just ignore and sage their threads

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cuz the TV told them to

Because human beings have formed laws and morals not some bullshit God who according to the bible is a vengeful violent peadophile

Might is right

since the invasion started this place has gone to real shit, this place has been flooded by glowies from all sorts of three letter agencies as well as russians just spewing crap all over the place

The next time someone robs or insults you, remember what you said about morals.

Its their subjective opinion.

Cease thy sinning. Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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